the era, leading to overly powerful companies and mistreatment of workers. The government continued to maintain a minimally involved policy even with all of the corruption occurring in the business world. James Bryce, in his book The American Commonwealth, states that due to the abundance of materials and development involving the West, the ignorance of politics was at an all-time high (Doc 1). The truthfulness of this statement is apparent considering how little control the central government really had and the popularity of no-involvement policies. If by chance the government decided to step in, they often failed to make permanent changes. In order to try to assert more control over railroad companies, the Interstate Commerce Act created the Interstate Commerce Commission. This was an attempt to outlaw monopolistic actions of the railroad industry and stop price discrimination (Doc 3). Though the formation of this act was a success, it was not taken seriously until much later. Not only was laissez faire contributing to corruption in the Gilded Age, political machines were, as well. These local organizations were involved in both the elected and appointed positions in office. The infamous Tammany Hall, run by William “Boss” Tweed, was a strong machine that aided Irish immigrants in order to gain their political votes. Tweed had the power to place whomever he wished a place in office, if it meant that those people would continue to support him. Having friends in the system…
you’ll make a good living. If you are poor, you have only yourself to blame.” This is not the ideal government because it should help the people in its country, rather than them suffering because of their situation. Civil Disobedience In response to going to jail because he did not pay his poll tax, Henry David Thoreau wrote to Americans to not let the government overpower them. He said, “That government is best which governs least.” For a government to be successful, there needs to be…
own advantage as they controlled many corrupt politicians. On the surface the government was passing acts that sounded good to the working class, but in reality these acts were just words that were rarely put into action. The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate Commerce Act are two good examples of government policies that sounded like reforms but had little impact. In 1890, the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed to prevent illegal trusts from being developed to “eliminate competition or…
TR felt that neither the labor unions nor big business should have too much power or have favor in the government. TR follows this principle when dealing with railroad regulation as well. This quote outlines TR’s policy on the railroad industry “He supported… physical evaluation of railroad properties to enforce "honest" capitalization, and government supervision of capitalization of all types of corporations in interstate commerce.” (232) The word “honest” is important in this quote because…
Pittsburg New Hampshire is one of the state's most hidden gems when it comes to the outdoors and fresh air. The biggest small town in the state, sits at the very top right on the Canadian border. It is the biggest town in the state in terms of area, however has one of the smallest populations. Pittsburg is the place where people still hold the door open for you and say their please and thank you’s. The population tends to change on most weekends specifically the ones that fall between December…
company wants to uphold to ensure that they can withstand the test of time and continue bringing about positive change to all the lives they touch individually and in communities. Interstate Battery System International,…
(U//FOUO) Title: Possible Threats and Test Terrorist Attacks made to Baltimore/Washington D.C. Roadways (U//FOUO) Focus Statement: Radicalized individuals with extremist group connections have been testing the infrastructure of Baltimore/ Washington D.C. One of these test attacks is the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel incident. These incidents and information found on the two key suspects indicate a potential increase of threats to the infrastructure of major cities across the United States. (U//FOUO)…
didn’t work.” That Wednesday, the Lafayette Fire Department went to clear out Mercy Hospital by boats. The fire department got the patients out first and then the employees. Shannon was the last boat to go out. She said, “Good thing they came and got me, because they had to stop the boat rides, due to people shooting at the boats.” People were shooting at the boats because they wanted to steal them to leave. It took three different boats to get where Shannon needed to be. The first boat she…
Washington DC: 11th Street [The Need] Bridges are no different than any other form of infrastructure, eventually they break down and need to be either repaired or replaced. Inspection occurs at least every two years, yet bridges are often pushed to their absolute limits of usability. In Washington DC, the 11th Street Bridge Project aims to replace two bridges built in the 1960s with three new bridges. With these bridges having been in place for nearly 50 years, there were numerous issues. For…
The commerce clause, Article 1 Section 8, of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states. One would say that because of the fact that these laws are intrastate then commerce may not regulate; but that idea is struck down by the modern approach of the commerce clause. The modern approach to the commerce clause is commerce power that allows Congress to regulate and protect the channels of interstate commerce, the instrumentalities of interstate commerce, and…