made his way up to the top four years later when he built the world’s most capable liquid-fuel rocket (Neufeld, 2007). Wernher started out at the bottom of the army, but eventually became very well known world wide. Wernher realized he got himself into a job with responsibilities he did not want to take on. When he joined the rocket-building team in 1934, he had no idea their motives were to build a long-range ballistic missile. Trying to steer their attention in another direction, Von Braun wrote a note to the head of the military explaining why they should not build of a weapon of thirty mile-range because he felt it would derail the existing line of development and create a missile of poor accuracy (Neufeld, 2007). Von Braun talked his way out of building this missile by saying it could spoil the surprise effect of later, better missiles (Neufeld, 2007). In 1945, he and his whole rocketry team approached Walter Dornberger and surrendered to the U.S. Army because he wanted to build rockets, not missiles (Neufeld, 2007). Wernher never was interested in building ballistic missiles, he wanted to send people to space, and when the Nazi Army would not allow him to do that, he surrendered to the U.S. Von Braun’s surrender included his materials, his workers, and his brains. Wernher surrendered himself along with five-hundred of his rocket scientists, test vehicles, and plans for other rockets. He and his workers were transferred to America in June of 1945, but it was not made…
announced he wanted North Korea to conquer space. How exactly can North Korea conquer space? A good start would be to land on the Moon. In early August 2016, a senior official within North Korea’s space program announced that the country will continue to launch satellites and will pursue a lunar landing mission within the next ten years. Even though this seems overly ambitious for the country, it is not completely impossible. Using the data and lessons learned from past and future…
Broadly speaking, the US – Russian disarmament talks have continued in the same cold war relationship dynamics between the United States and Soviet Union. The brief interlude of the Yeltsin years was an exception. As soon as Putin took over the helms of Russia, the old cold war dynamics of mistrust and paranoia have come to the fore again. The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 underscored the need for responsible nuclear leadership and was a precursor to the détente. During the early Strategic Arms…
defense system against Soviet Union Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, by intercepting the missiles or warheads at various phases of their launch. The initiative would have required an advancement in technology systems, but yet those were still to be developed or researched. The initiative would had have components of both space and Earth based laser battle stations,…
People feared that one leader or mistake would initiate the extinction of mankind. This came as a result of statistics suggesting that a nuclear war would continue to cause damage for years following it and would continue to cause death. As a result, people built bomb shelters in their backyards as well as at schools. In public places they also practiced attack drills. It also caused many psychological reactions such as tension, fear and anxiety within the countries, showing signs of an increase…
of itself, had only a small impression upon the public’s consciousness (576). However, the total impact of the film’s associated media created “substantial effects on political attitudes and cognitions.” (576) Amusingly, the authors suggest that their research exposed the implausible irony that those who feared The Day After would benefit the anti-nuclear movement, may have assisted that cause by drawing media attention to the film (576). In 1983, the Cold War reached its highest level of…
Force 2025 must be rebalanced to meet these 21st century threats and to fully support our core U.S. interests of national security, a vibrant economy, universal values, and international order. Given the likely threats and the current fiscal environment, the general capabilities of Joint Force 2025 that are paramount to meeting the challenges of the 21st century are nuclear deterrence, counter terror/ special operations forces (CT/SOF), and air/sea. U.S. defense strategy relies on the three…
Though the country may not be an imminent threat to the U.S. mainland, although they claim North Korea claims there is, it is of very large danger to the countries of lesser distance than the United States. Nuclear warfare is not a new introduction in the world, and as seen in the Cold War it brings a major scare to many people globally. One nuclear missile, misguided, could cause a global outbreak in chaos and possibly a third world war. Missiles and GPS jammers bring forward a serious worry to…
Starting at the end of WWII, the rate of technological advancement increased exponentially. The invention long range missiles, nuclear reactors, and rockets capable of space travel prompted the development of a newly emerging technology; electronic computation and communication. Near the end of WWII, british scientist Alan Turing created one of the first functional digital computers in order to crack a secret German code. After the war ended, computational technology to advance. In 1946 Turing…
current situation the U.S. and North Korea are involved in. North Korea has been launching nuclear missile tests, and the U.S. has had enough of it. President Trump has sent a warship to the Korean peninsula, and the North Koreans took that personal, calling it, "an act of war". Other countries such as South Korea, China, and others are at great risk of being caught in the cross fire between these two. So the petrifying but necessary question must be asked, is North Korea going to bomb the…