the US – Russian disarmament talks have continued in the same cold war relationship dynamics between the United States and Soviet Union. The brief interlude of the Yeltsin years was an exception. As soon as Putin took over the helms of Russia, the old cold war dynamics of mistrust and paranoia have come to the fore again. The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 underscored the need for responsible nuclear leadership and was a precursor to the détente. During the early Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 1), the two superpowers even agreed to expose themselves to each other in order to ensure neither side would cheat on arms control agreements. The US strategic triad consisted of land, air and submarine based warheads. Furthermore,…
The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, which are more well known under common parlance as the S.A.L.T, were conferences between the U.S.A and the former Soviet Union that were used to create a detente between nations and a decrease of nuclear missile counts and a halt to nuclear weapons production. This essay will show the people and places that took part in the conferences, how the conferences were caused by multiple problems and created multiple solutions, and answer the question of what…
The cumulative costs of keeping up with the arms battle and the massive peak that the Afghan War partook on their economy confidently helped make these hard resolutions easier. The Soviet grip was slacking and numerous limitations and took full swing to open and unrestricted elections started to overthrow the communist government in the Eastern European countries. In 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved into separate republics and the Cold War was finally over. The Cold War had colossal impacts on…
The SALT Treaties began in the 1960’s. SALT stands for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and it’s goal was to limit the potential catastrophic and very costly nuclear arms race. Both sides had plenty of weapons to destroy the other side at any moment when the negotiations began in the late 1960’s. SALT negotiations purpose was to bring some rationality and control to the arms race. The very first SALT treaty was signed in May of 1972. Its purpose was: a limit on the deployment of strategic…
• The development of an ABM system could allow one side to launch a first strike and then prevent the other from retaliating by shooting down incoming missiles. • Johnson therefore called for strategic arms limitations talks (SALT), and in 1967, he and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin met at Glassboro State College in New Jersey. • Johnson said they must gain “control of the ABM race,” and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara argued…
for a Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI) that quickly became a popular topic worldwide. SDI was proposed by President Reagan on March 23rd, 1983, in a speech to the nation. He claimed that the government would begin to work towards a ballistic missile defense, to protect the country against Soviet attacks or otherwise.(Dewolf) This immediately polarized the American media, scientists and political analysts. Those who were scientists argued that SDI was not a feasible option, as technological…
THE CONTEXT The most important events that defined the years of Richard Nixon’s mandate and that also affected the future of the U.S. were: o The Cold War o The War in Vietnam o The Space Race o The Women’s Movement o The 1973 Oil Crisis THE COLD WAR ~ DETENTE -The tension between The Soviet Union and The U.S. began to cool down, only to return at its initial state in the late 70s’. -The fright of a possible nuclear war became almost routine-like for both nations, especially after the Cuban…
stockpiles as the US did. At the time of the talks, the US and Soviet Union had begun the process of creating anti-ballistic missiles which would protect them in the event that they were attacked with nuclear weapons. Interestingly enough, even this was seen as threatening as the nuclear weapons themselves. Anti-ballistic missiles are surface-to-air missiles which are capable of countering ballistic missiles used to deliver nuclear, chemical, or biological warheads. The development of these…
Cold War policy. He believed that disabling all nuclear weapons and winning the Cold War were closely tied together (Lettow ,2006). To help combat the nuclear problem, Reagan proposes the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The SDI was one of Ronald Reagan more controversial ideas. It was a system which would protect the United States from Soviet nuclear missile attacks. This system was more fantasy than reality because the SDI could not target on the Soviet missile launch sites and cover only…
signatories and a new credit for Cuba of $91 million. The treaty reflected an extension of the positive economic relationship that had existed between the two countries since1960.” That meant that the U.S. and the Spanish wanted to contain Cuba. Also in the database article “UXL encyclopedia: Cuban Missile Crisis” it states, "These exiles in Florida told the U.S. press exaggerated stories about how Castro was mistreating Cubans. As a result, the United States refused to do business with Cuba,…