Select one of the studies presented at a Friday seminar workshop during the first semester. For this study, identify both a threat to internal validity and a threat to construct validity. In each instance, explain why the threat that you’ve identified is a threat and how significant a threat it is. King, Massoud and Song (2016), suffers from multiple validity threats of varying degrees of significance. Internal Validity As the principle-agent problem goes much of the way to explain the results of the paper, leaving a very serious internal validity concern for this paper. The authors’ finding, inappropriately structured contracts lead to losses for investors, is uncannily similar to that of the principle-agent problem. In this instance, investor…
persons were depressed and the method of sampling was not applicable. It suggests that the participants were already willing to change. 2. Internal validity is the estimated fact about implications regarding cause-effect. It is only pertinent in studies that try to establish a causal relationship (KnowledgeBase, 2006). External validity is the degree to which the results of a study can be generalized to other situations and people. Validity is important because it observes research findings.…
One of the key criteria addressed by positivist researchers is that of internal validity, in which they seek to ensure that their study measures or tests what is actually intended. According to Merriam (1998), the qualitative investigator’s equivalent concept is analogous to internal validity and deals with the question: “How congruent are the research findings with reality. However, according to the philosophy underlying qualitative research, reality is relative to meaning that people construct…
1. Can a researcher prove conclusively that a study has internal validity? Explain No. it is impossible to prove conclusively that a study has internal validity. This is because there are many threats to internal validity and it is sometime difficult to control all of them, especially the loss of subjects. 2. In chapter 6, we discussed the concept of external validity. In what ways, if any, are internal and external validity related? Can a study have internal validity but not external…
This step of the process involves comparison and seeing if there is a strong correlation between the data that is collected. To start off, there are four attributes to remember when dealing with research design. Internal validity, external validity, construct validity, and statistical conclusion validity are all important terms to think about when comparing and organizing your research. Internal validity can be defined by three different terms. There is going to need to be a co variation of…
those who are working in the research program learn that only they are being given weekly quizzes, they may react very defiantly and feel they are being discriminated against. This phenomenon would tend to result in an equalization of the research results that can make it far more difficult for an investigator to determine their ultimate results (Trochim & Donnelly, 2008, p. 171). If a researcher chooses to use a research design that is with only one group, it is not possible to draw…
The small number of 132 participants does not represent the estimated 5.3 million US citizen children living with an undocumented parent. The small sample is a threat to the external validity of the study. It is important to note that this study does not represent a homogenous group. The sample is considered to be a convenience sample and cannot be echoed as a representative of the Latino immigrant community. Overgeneralization needs to be prevented because the sample does not represent an…
To find participants, they recruited university students from college campuses. In surveying this particular group, the issue of generalizing results from WEIRD participants to other populations arises. As we learned in Dr. Cheung’s class, this privileged demographic represents only about 12% of the world’s population, therefore limiting the potential for external validity, as it is a non-representative sample. In discussing the recruitment of participants, this also calls into question their…
results were similar to humans recalling familiar faces of high school class mates after a quarter century. This study had some conflicting issues that could hinder some aspects of internal validity. The researchers were limited with some stimulus that could potentially skew the data. The pictures shown to the orangutans were unequal and were different for the male and females. Borneo, the male, was shown an image of himself and only was shown two images of subjects seen only once a month…
A potential threat to the internal validity of my assigned research study is maturation because participants in the non-Snoezelen study were much older than other participants in the study with an age gap of up to 20 years. Maturation also threats internal validity in the sense that Snoezelen participants had been living in the residential aged care facility for a longer period of time compared to the non-Snoezelen group (Bauer et al., 2015). Participants who have been living in the residential…