make it efficiency. This could be an example for building awareness about ovarian cancer although this has not become the serious issue in the world, it need time and people’s attention to build this up. Instead of immediate information about missing children, an App could be a better way to express the ovarian cancer. The App should contain what is ovarian cancer and how serious it would be. ovarian cancer is dangerous to every signal and this would be specifically represent in the app and this should rise enough awareness about ovarian cancer and in particular NOCC would be an perfect organization to…
perseverance award with a standing ovation from the audience on TV, I lost it. That moment was the last straw. Savannah Hart is loved by the entire world. Little kids all across the nation look up to her. She singlehandedly discovered the cure for cancer while devoting her life to helping the school districts of New York City and the education system in Africa. Nevertheless, she does all this while coping with a serious heart condition. "How does she do it?” is a question that gets asked…
Introduction The Human Genome Project was a research program that began in 1990 and took 13 years to complete (1). The project was originally funded by the US Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. Additionally, many other countries participated, including the UK, Canada, Japan, France, and Germany (1). The overall aim of the Human Genome Project was to completely understand and map out every human gene, the genome (2). The other goals of the program were to determine the…
The Human Genome project was an international research program that was able to map out all of the gene locations of human DNA (“An Overview of the Human Genome Project”). This DNA map can be thought of as an instructional guide to how a human develops and functions. Knowing every base pair and amino acid gave scientists a look at which locations on the DNA were causing certain genetic diseases. This information helped develop new treatments and research in genetic counseling. The Human Genome…