International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty

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    R2p Essay

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    Purpose. To recommend the UN Secretary-General promote and create stronger engagement with BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) on ensuring a sustainable future for the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine. Background. Since its inception in 2001 and international acceptance in 2005, R2P has increasingly been derided by many as a Western-centric, Occidentalist doctrine ill-suited to the realities of the developing world. Critics sensed colonialist undertones and worried about unchecked Western encroachments on national sovereignty in the Global South. R2P has been used or cited numerous times over the past decade from 2005-Present, with some interventions experiencing more success than others. Currently, the ongoing civil war in Syria, combined with…

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    legitimise humanitarian intervention? Humanitarian intervention will not be required in Europe for the conceivable future. Consequently, applying an archaic framework of international relations, typically entrenched in European thought and ideals, onto the modern necessity and moral imperative of humanitarian intervention is foolish. The primary contestation is between the importance of sovereignty and basic human rights. The violation of sovereignty, especially of weak and historically…

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    Humanitarian Intervention

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    disagreements among the international community. The problem roots at human greed. Politics, conflicts over resources, money, land, and power. After World War II, the international community swore genocides would never happen again under their watch, but they have, and plenty of them. Thanks to globalization and the scars and lessons from history, many people nowadays are sensitive to humanitarian problems across the world. The international community has put pressure into each government to be…

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    tension between state sovereignty and international intervention in pursuit of human rights protection has been contested. Over three centuries later, and the United Nations Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine has codified human rights protection in a global political commitment of the highest order. Following the international acceptance of the R2P, many who support state protection contest the legitimacy of the doctrine, and question its encroachment on state sovereignty. Conversely,…

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  • Improved Essays

    humanitarian intervention (class 12) (25 points) Please explain: (a) the arguments why humanitarian intervention in Kosovo was legitimate under international law; While the U.N. Charter does not say anything about humanitarian intervention, Article 2(4) of the Charter does prohibit “the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state…” (Cited handout) Some feel that this prohibits any type of humanitarian intervention, wherein one state violates…

    • 1091 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    R2p Essay

    • 479 Words
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    Responsibility to Protect (R2P) or (RtoP) is a principle that is based on the obligation or the right of sovereign states to protect their populations and other populations that may be at risk of genocide and other atrocities that can threaten humanity. R2P has three pillars: “Pillar One: Every state has the Responsibility to Protect its populations from four mass atrocity crimes: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. Pillar Two: The wider international community…

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    The contemporary debate surrounding the legitimacy or not of Humanitarian Intervention (HI) is, to a large extent, based on the controversial interpretation of state sovereignty (Wheeler 2001: 550). In a society arguably built upon the principles of non-intervention, but with an increasing global awareness of and attention to the principles of humanity and human rights, the future of HI is subject to when and how these conflicting principles are resolved (Wheeler 2001: 551). In our…

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    Is it legitimate to intervene another state’s internal affairs? Do gross violations of human rights justify armed interventions to stop atrocities? According to the UN charter protection of human rights is the responsibility of the international community hence humanitarian interventions are foreign military actions which prevent or halt mass muyrder and other sever violations of human rights. In contrast the charter also prohibits forceful interference against the territorial intregrity and…

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    The rapid globalisation of the modern world has developed a desperate need for continuous improvement in world order. The increasing interdependence that nations have with each other makes promoting and maintaining world order a critical issue. Despite the establishment of the UN in 1945, conflicts between disputing nations is a common and devastating occurrence. To approach this issue the international community must cooperate and set standards through intergovernmental organisations such as…

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    Therefore, the need to put off conflict from arising and solve those that are taking place. Humanitarian intervention. Humanitarian intervention has been defined as when a state or a group of states employs military force within another country’s territory to protect civilians against atrocities and/or the consequences of a humanitarian conflict. ( p132). It is in every essence different from humanitarian aid which is provided by non-governmental organizations such as Red Cross.…

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