women were sent behind the scenes, with all the men gone fighting, they took many of the jobs that they would normally do. Some women would take the jobs of landlords of men that went off to war or fled the country entirely. They were also left to look after soldiers in the barracks, feeding the men and maintaining the makeshift barracks. Although women did not get their social status a boost, many Spaniard women were chaperoned through their daily duties, it did lead the way for a start in their rise of social status. Women were seen to make major contributions to the war by virtually running the country behind the front lines. Some women were even in charge of creating propaganda for the war, though many served their countries in the International Red Aid. They set up soup kitchens and refugee camps in republican areas. Though they had many contributions to that war the women in Spain were overlooked and underappreciated for what they had done to keep Spain…
questions you will have about the distances the unit has been tasked to cover. This critical information produces the ultimate answer for the G3; how long will it take to maneuver to the designated areas is the most important question. Before the G3 would say that a maneuver unit on order will move from the TAA to the northern PP’s 1 and 2, and another unit will move to the southern PP’s 3 and 4. Ball parking the time it would take and schedule it for a long as six hours all the way down to…
Assuming command of the 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) is an honor and a privilege. It is truly a humbling opportunity to be selected to command an exceptional unit with a storied history of mission readiness and success. The past few weeks of observing the unit, in addition to, careful analysis of more recent historical documents from Army research organizations such as the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) and Center for Army Leadership (CAL) have provided necessary insight in…
Assignment: Medal of Honor Webquest Tasks: Find an article from the Army’s Medal of Honor website that tells about another recipient of the Medal of Honor. CORPORAL TIBOR RUBIN 1. Copy and paste the URL and then summarize the information you read. http://www.army.mil/medalofhonor/rubin/citation/index.html This source was an official citation about the brave actions of Corporal Tibor Rubin, and the overall situation on his mission. The article was not completely focused on Corporal Rubin’s…
Gorman’s brigade was the first brigade of the second division under Major General John Sedgwick who was under the command of Major General Edwin V. Sumner, commander of the Second Army Corps. This narrative will discuss the events that took place with Gorman’s brigade by discussing the task and purpose of the brigade, including the individual regiments in Gorman’s brigade. The unit’s disposition in accordance with the enemy and friendly units in the same area of operations. This narrative…
General Odierno speech given in the AUSA Winter Symposium impacts the Force Development Process Phase 3 Develop Organizational Models mostly. The Army must solve the identified capabilities gaps first and set the background for their development in the future. The results of the Phase 3 review will determine the need and the level of the modification of the Phase 4 Determine Organizational Authorizations and Phase 5 Document Organizational Authorizations. The provided vision demands the…
of war, Brig. Gen. James Wolfe Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, ordered the conversion of old smoothbores into rifled cannon and the manufacture of Parrott guns. The basic unit of Union artillery was the battery, which usually consisted of six guns. Attempts were made to ensure that all six guns in a battery were of the same caliber, simplifying training and logistics. Each gun, or "piece", was operated by a gun crew of eight, plus four additional men to handle the horses and equipment. Two guns…
processing, and training. I brought four CO Cmd teams in last week for quarterly Co Sustainment Training where we drilled into MAP, Battle Rhythm, Army doctrine on Commander’s Activities, RFA development, among many other topics. The development of the MAP for Chaplain and AMEDD remains a “stubby pencil” effort for the MRB until a digital MAP comes on line; we’ll continue to train in every training event. The Brigade executed our quarterly 5K Run today across the country, with stations and HQs…
In May 2003, I was a Staff Sergeant serving as a squad leader in a Military Police Company. We deployed to Baghdad Iraq in support of combat operations; I led a squad of 12 Soldiers. My squad’s primary mission was conducting mounted and dismounted patrols in a neighborhood called Al-Dura in the southern part of Baghdad. Soon after arriving in country and receiving our mission, all squad leaders reported to the Battalion Headquarters for introductions and assigning of interpreters to our…
The Army’s number one priority is Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP). Army senior leaders continue to emphasize the importance of the SHARP program. Army leaders demand their soldiers to internalize the intent of SHARP and those soldiers’ actions are conducive to the overall goal of the Army’s SHARP program. For this assignment, I chose to interview an Army Brigade Combat Team’s (BCT) Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). The SARC is responsible for ensuring…