The results of the study supported the predicted hypotheses. Firstly, the resumes which supposedly belonged to the Internally Displaced Persons received overall higher hiring recommendation scores than those that had the control locations specified as birthplaces. This shows that positive biases likely exist in favor of the IDPs; thus, the previous findings that positive biases exist in favor of disabled people whose disabilities were caused by external factors (Bordieri & Drehmer, 1986), can be generalized to people who experienced distressing life circumstances caused by external factors, but which did not necessarily result in a disability. The second important result was the dependence of the effect of personality fit on whether the alleged applicant was an IDP. Explicit bias was directly included in the study through the pretend personality test results, but its effects alone did not explain the differences between the IDP and control resumes. Namely, if the positive biases were only explicit, we would expect the hiring recommendation scores to decrease by the same amount between the high and average personality fits across all birthplaces. However, when the resume was…
Introduction Years of internal conflict, natural disasters, as well as economic and social crisis has driven numerous people out of their homes in CARMO, resulting in large numbers of internally displaced persons and refugees in other countries. In response, the neighboring country Eretub has allowed for the establishment of the Agihiv refugee camp, with an estimated population of 275,000 refugees. The camp has been separated into three smaller settlements: Camps A, B and C. Humanitarian efforts…
How ARC Advances Social Justice in Crises American Refugee Committee (ARC) is a nonprofit organization, based in Minneapolis, MN that works with refugees, internally displaced persons and people facing disaster and conflict in 11 countries (ARC 2016). The types of conflict ARC addresses includes natural and war related disasters and gender based violence that result in oppression, persecution, poverty in terms of resources, health, education and wealth, and displacement. ARC aims to assist…
care for all those who are in need; to remember that Jesus’ teaching challenges us to transcend borders. This vigor to all to all on behalf of migrants Francis carried with him on his recent trip to the US. In both his address to the US Congress and the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), Francis calls for a special care and realizations of the struggles of migrants. In his address to Congress, Francis states “Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second…
an adaptation strategy; and, as an option of last resort, plan for participatory and dignified relocation” (UNHCR, 2015). However, there is much contention around the issue of who is responsible for implementing these recommendations. Well-managed migration, whether circular, temporary or long-term, has the potential to increase the resilience of climate vulnerable populations by creating new livelihood opportunities and reducing exposure to future risks (UNHRC, 2015). Unfortunately, the current…
The Endless Humanitarian Crisis The humanitarian crisis of this world is at a level never seen in the history of man. Not since World War II have there been so many refugees or IDPs. In 2014, there were almost 60 million refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) around the globe right now. Put another way, that’s one in every 122 people worldwide. An immediate and perhaps unprecedented action has to occur to react to the unprecedented amount of people in dire need of necessities. As…
Every person belongs to a culture, some people may belong to multiple but sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone to experience a culture unlike our own. Traveling the world is an excellent example of this, although, sometimes we can have a cultural experience not too far from home, since the United States is tremendously diverse. “Twenty-eight African countries have been at war since 1980, and one-third of Africa’s leadership in 2010 still emanates from the army or a rebellion.…
as if my country were running out of hope” (Yousafzai 133). Benazir Bhutto was a person of major influence to Malala. She spoke in support of education just like Malala wished to do. She was shot and killed by the Taliban for speaking out and Malala decided that she should be the one to publicly speak in support of woman for her country’s sake. After this event Malala had overheard her father discussing an opportunity to publicize education equality. She went up to her father and said: “‘Why not…
For the last few years, a refugee crisis has swept through Europe. Due to the fighting of insurgent groups such as the Islamic State and its affiliates and allies as well as the opposing rebel groups and allies, masses of displaced civilians have simultaneously flooded into Europe and surrounding Middle Eastern countries. Through this memorandum, I will look at the theoretical underpinnings of refugees and immigration policy and the current U.S. Policy on Syrian refugees. The policy that should…
For example, in Baltimore and many other cities, people who are exemplary community members work to alleviate poverty, housing issues, unemployment, lack of education, and any other issues affecting the region. On a national or international scale, these people would work to impact similar problems along with others such political and cultural conflicts, long-term sustainability, and refugee crises. Someone actively involved in their community strives to find the solutions to problems that…