change the thinking of people. In both football and war there are two sides in which both are trying to win. They strategize and fight up and down the battlefield trying to gain an advantage over the opponent. Although there are many similarities, there is one huge difference. War involves numerous casualties and cannot be justified in most circumstances. Football, on the other hand, can be justified as the risk of getting seriously hurt is much lower. Since war cannot be justified most of the time, Mark Edmundson states in his book Why Football Matter that this allows the people to: “transfer our hunger for heroism from the area where real heroism has traditionally been possible and relocate it to the less complex relations of sport” (134). In a sense, Edmundson is saying that people view athletes as heroes in today’s age rather than viewing soldiers as heroes. This can drastically change the mindset of fans along with players. Some football players become obsessed with the power that they have, which can lead to their life spiraling out of control. Fans, especially kids, view these football players as role models and are influenced greatly by them. If a player does not behave off the field then they are setting a bad example for the kids who look up to them. Since kids view these football players as people who can do no wrong, this could negatively affect the kids and lead to consequences in the long run. Overall football and war are connected with one another. Many…
What is war?” is it merely a definition, defined as “ a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea or air” (Dictionary). Is it greed, disguise as nationalism? Is it an illusionary obligation, fueling the egos of those believed to be superior, or perhaps it is the true face of freedom? For centuries, great phi-losophers have pondered with this very question, and most have not agreed upon the answer. However, through time,…
After analysing the 1915 play ‘War Mates’, we discover the argument between two social sides on their differing views about war. The play, written by Mr Herbert De Hamel focuses strongly on the impact of strikes. “It is without doubt the most real and effective short play concerned with the war that has yet been seen, and the lesson it teaches the men of fighting age and all who advocate or are responsible for strikes in war time.” (Daily Mail, 1916, p.3) The four characters, John, Mary,…
When we think of the military and war essential components of international relations, we think of men as soldiers, men as protectors we consider war itself as violent as well as the men participating (Youngs, 2004, p.85). The military and nonconventional forces are therefore heavily masculinized. To understand why rape is used as a weapon of war, it also important to understand the context in which masculinity in militaries and armed forces develops but also understand the concept of hegemonic…
Though it has only been but a month since I’ve arrived here, it feels to me as if I have been away for years. I do hope that you are well. Your wellbeing is likely the only thing in the world keeping me going. Be sure to tell the kids Ruben and TIm that I am getting along fine. In a serious sense, not to be seen as much of a downer, but in truth, war has shown to be a lot more than mere heroism and glory. The attacks are vicious. Though I'm in a trench and not stuck out in no-man’s land, the…
War Photography is an “invitation to pay attention, to reflect, to learn, to examine the rationalizations for mass suffering” (Sontag, 117). Photography had a great impact on the public's perception of the United States Civil War. The war ran from 1861 to 1865 and was the first war to be extensively documented with photography and distributed among various newspapers, and magazines across the nation. Photographers captured images of everyday life, battle scenes, but most influential, the…
The poems War Song by a warrior from the Crow tribe and Song of War by an individual from the Blackfeet contrast courage through the Crow’s views on the eternal bliss of the afterlife, which gives a neutral view on battle and the Blackfeet fear of death and the fate that follows the dangerous risks of war. Song of War is about a warrior who fears going into battle and prays that he will be saved from going, while War Song is about not anxiously anticipating war and death, emphasizing that even…
The main take-away from this seminar is that war is ever-present and ever-changing. Kaitlin said that war will never decline, especially when our technology is only getting more powerful. I agree with this statement, the U.S alone has created technology that can make going to war very simple and easy. Even though war has been a part of our nation for a countless amount of time, war has evolved. Like Donya said, war has become based on nuclear warfare, and the use of guns has decreased. I both…
The Napoleonic wars refer to the wars of the Napoleonic wars in the period of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). It led to major changes in the military and artillery of Europe, particularly the military system. Because the implementation of the national conscription system, making the war a huge scale, unprecedented. France, the rapid rise of national power, dominated Europe; but after the defeat of the invasion of Russia, the national potential plummeted. Napoleon's empire was eventually…
A nexus exists between the first television war and the Media coverage. Conflict multiplied by TV coverage equals what? Arguably, television lost wars for the Americans—and the Australians. What we know for certain is that television coverage of war after Vietnam would never be the same again (Maniaty 90). The world delivers a heightening amount of secondary media outlets; cable channels, websites, blogs, and SMS name a few. Free-to-air TV networks, and major cable channels such as CNN, BBC…