Reliability, or precision, can be defined as the degree to which a measurement is able to be reproduced with nearly the same value when evaluated several times with no change to the underlying trait being measured. Inter-rater reliability is “ the consistency with which two or more judges rate the work or performance of test takers.(Kelley & Littenberg, 2015). Reliability is often a misconstrued measurement idea. However, the reliability of a test scores bears on decisions regarding the findings and interpretations of what is being measured. There are a variety of forms of reliability coefficients, but among the most commonly used are internal consistency estimates because they are readily calculated from a single administration of a test (Henson, 2001). The four major forms or reliability are internal consistency, interrater, test-retest,…
As seen in Table 6, reliability analysis for four factors revealed Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.92 for Factor 1; 0.85 for Factor 2; 0.82 for Factor 3; and, 0.77 for Factor 4. All of factors in turn yielded high levels internal consistency reliability. Also, the overall internal consistency reliability of all of four subscales was 0.91, which proves a very high level of internal consistency reliability. Study 2: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Method A total of 348 undergraduate and graduate…
translated by a psychiatrist and a pathologist, both of whom fluent in Japanese (Kojima et al., 2002). It was then sent to TPC to be reviewed by a specialist and confirm that the translated version matched the original (Kojima et al., 2002). Some items were found to be problematic, so the translation and back-translation process was repeated until it was confirmed that the English and Japanese version was equivalent (Kojima et al., 2002). By doing this it also proves the face validity of the…
2. There is a good, positive correlation between the six variables in the HC scale. The Cronbach Alpha is .769. From looking at the Inter-Item Correlation if I delete any variable the Cronbach Alpha will go down so there is no need to delete anything. The SE scale Cronbach Alpha was .686, after looking at the Inter-item Correlation chart all of the variables were positive but there were a few variable that were low. If I was to delete any variable the Cronbach Alpha would decrease. So the…
their elements. For instance, Optimum Nutrition’s website and products are up to date for the customer. The messages in their advertisements are clear and demonstrate their commitment to high standards. Individual customers will interpret these messages as a premium product. Moreover, the novel Advertising and IMC by Moriarty discusses how institutionally the values of the products are much more valuable and meaningful for customers (Moriarty 39). Optimum Nutrition is portraying their products…
Tina’s social emotional functioning was assessed using the BASC-2. The BASC-2 assess Tina’s internalizing (i.e., behaviors that manifest internally such as depression or anxiety) and externalizing (i.e., behaviors that are more readily observed by others) behaviors, and adaptive skills. Children rated in the typical range (T scores 40-60) are considered to be in the average range indicating that may sometimes display the behavior in question, but in a range that is similar to other children…
Where there is no time reserved, change will not occur and consistency and rapport will lack and more importantly show to other members and guests. Teams who work together and are capable with time and maintenance, utilizing proper team building activities and training, acknowledge core values, goals and establish quality and consistent products, cultivate quality, delivering value, integrity and…
his values. The largest inconsistency in value displayed by “I” is a crucial one to the traditional Confucian values - a strong respect for his father. While a strong respect for authority is important in both traditional and modern ideals, truly serving and submitting to one’s father as an authority figure is emphasized in Confucian values, whereas the stress placed on this ideal is lessened in the post-Meiji Era. “I,” while reflecting on the way that he handles leaving Tokyo for his dying…
Award-winning author and feminist Ursula K. Le Guin delivered a rhetorically complex speech to the Mills College graduating class of 1983, comprised almost entirely of women. Her speech came at a challenging time for women, as second-wave feminism began to dissolve into a myriad of disagreeing factions. The title of the speech, the “Left-Handed Commencement Address,” is a reference to her book The Left Hand of Darkness, which follows an androgynous race of space aliens. This foreshadows the…
As the experience of discord is unpalatable, we are propelled to diminish or dispense with it, and accomplish consonance (i.e. understanding) (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1961). When one encounters a distinction amongst conduct and states of mind, intellectual discord hypothesis predicts that he/she is then profoundly energetic to reestablish a feeling of balance. Various direct components to decrease the state of mind conduct inconsistency were recognized by early scientists Festinger (1957) and…