their elements. For instance, Optimum Nutrition’s website and products are up to date for the customer. The messages in their advertisements are clear and demonstrate their commitment to high standards. Individual customers will interpret these messages as a premium product. Moreover, the novel Advertising and IMC by Moriarty discusses how institutionally the values of the products are much more valuable and meaningful for customers (Moriarty 39). Optimum Nutrition is portraying their products as the main ingredient to a consumer’s progress in the gym. There is a unification in their motto and branding strategies with their messages. On the other hand, the two advertisements used different slogans. This demonstrates that there isn’t a consistency in the message they want their customers to have. But at the same time, several companies change their slogans and still deliver excellent outcomes. Their advertisements still reach me the same way and their brand strategy is still consistent. Furthermore, Advertising and IMC discusses a technique known as Market segmentation in order to identify groups of possible customers (Moriarty 46). The target group for Optimum Nutrition customers would be for physically fit adults. There is a strong emphasis on the idea of muscular development found on their website. There is a target on muscular development on males, but their website also includes female athletes. On the other hand, an individual may think that the only focus would be men…
Where there is no time reserved, change will not occur and consistency and rapport will lack and more importantly show to other members and guests. Teams who work together and are capable with time and maintenance, utilizing proper team building activities and training, acknowledge core values, goals and establish quality and consistent products, cultivate quality, delivering value, integrity and…
Tina’s social emotional functioning was assessed using the BASC-2. The BASC-2 assess Tina’s internalizing (i.e., behaviors that manifest internally such as depression or anxiety) and externalizing (i.e., behaviors that are more readily observed by others) behaviors, and adaptive skills. Children rated in the typical range (T scores 40-60) are considered to be in the average range indicating that may sometimes display the behavior in question, but in a range that is similar to other children…
semester, I learned about a lot of interesting concepts and theories, many of which applied to my life and current situations. During the final presentation, I was able to apply these concepts to analyze how Hitler persuaded the citizens of Germany to elect him. My group consisted of Michael Luzania, Pete Antogiovanni, Erik Martinez, and Danny Alvarado. My role throughout the presentation consisted of scheduling group chats and meetings as well as reminding group members of the general vision of…
As the experience of discord is unpalatable, we are propelled to diminish or dispense with it, and accomplish consonance (i.e. understanding) (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1961). When one encounters a distinction amongst conduct and states of mind, intellectual discord hypothesis predicts that he/she is then profoundly energetic to reestablish a feeling of balance. Various direct components to decrease the state of mind conduct inconsistency were recognized by early scientists Festinger (1957) and…
worthlessness, sadness, and isolation that stem from this situation conclude in his suicide, a clear symbol of inconsistency in value being a strong source of harm to humanity. Therefore, Soseki’s exploration of values prior to the Meiji Era concludes with an emphasis on consistency. Soseki’s novel does not show a specific inclination to either the traditional, Confucian values or the post-Meiji Era modern ideals. Rather, he illustrates the importance in understanding what one values and shows…
Consistency. Consistency in onboarding is beneficial for companies that have multiple locations or facilities. Developing a structured onboarding program ensures that each new employee receives the same message about the company’s culture, mission, vision, core values, and brand. Adding a segment to the onboarding program before the new employee begins position-specific training will send a consistent message to all levels of the company about who they are (Sims, chapter 8). Krista Rice and…
Award-winning author and feminist Ursula K. Le Guin delivered a rhetorically complex speech to the Mills College graduating class of 1983, comprised almost entirely of women. Her speech came at a challenging time for women, as second-wave feminism began to dissolve into a myriad of disagreeing factions. The title of the speech, the “Left-Handed Commencement Address,” is a reference to her book The Left Hand of Darkness, which follows an androgynous race of space aliens. This foreshadows the…
Goal 1: Mason will improve his impulse control. • Mason was observed eating a snack when the QP arrived for the session. • Mason informed the QP representatives from the Make-A-Wish foundation was coming to interview at 6pm today and he was nervous because he doesn’t know if he will get his wishes. • Mason reported, “I wish to go to Disney World or to see Melissa McCarthy.” • Mason acknowledged, “I can take deep breathes and practice my responses before they come today.” • Mason accepted the…
Unmasking a Foolish Consistency by Yerika Germosen In Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson claims that “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”. To determine this quote’s meaning and significance it’s important to first analyze its author’s way of thinking and purpose. Being a transcendentalist and having a religious backbone affected Emerson’s perspectives. He encouraged others to accomplish their vision, even if there are oppositions and to listen to the voice inside. In his…