ABAS-II The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition (ABAS-II) was used to provide information on Lena’s adaptive skills. This tool provides a measure of Lena’s ability to independently engage in and complete the tasks necessary for personal and social sufficiency. Lena’s skills in this area were compared to those of her same-age peers. The ABAS-II provides a General Adaptive Composite (GAC), which is derived from three domains: Conceptual, Social, and Practical. Scores are reported in terms of standard scores (SS) for composites and scales scores (ss) for skills within the composites. The following table provides qualitative descriptors of scores: Composite Score Scaled Scores Adaptive Level 130 or above - Very Superior 120…
Ashley’s impulsivity and distractibility in class, causes classroom disruption. Due to her acting out behaviors within the classroom, Ashley is often removed from class, which causes an angry outburst from her. Ashley lacks the ability to recognize how her reactive behaviors and impulsivity can escalate a situation, which impairs a rational response to the said situation. Part of Cognitive Behavioral Theory states that when a person cognitions modified directly, it indirectly changes the persons…
The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) defines an intellectual disability as being a disability that impairs intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior and can be “expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills” (Hallahan, et al., 2014, 87). ASD and ID are related in that they share some similar issues which affect an individual’s academics. Two similar issues are working memory and language impairments (Hallahan, et al., 96, 217, 220)…
View of Human Nature I am unsure of the motivation behind an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors seeing as though everyone is different. I believed that our personality is formed from the environment in which we live in, and our genetics, which play somewhat of an important factor. The reason I listed genetics is because I always seem to have that mental image of the twins whose living situation was not the same. They grew up in two entirely different homes, but still managed to smoke…
clients, I understand that we will all take part in brief therapy at one time or another, whether it is planned or unplanned. The two goals of time limited dynamic psychotherapy (TLDP), providing a new experience and a new understanding, are goals that I will take with me as I continue to grow as a therapist even if I am not practicing brief therapy. Therapy is a place where the therapist can provide a new experience, one that may not be seen as acceptable in normal social settings. After…
The behavior I chose to attempt modify is my daily activity level. Behavior modification is defined in the textbook as "the systematic application of behavior principles to facilitate adaptive behavior". I chose this behavior because I wanted to increase my number of steps taken per day. This behavior is one I consider a good one to attempt to modify is because higher activity leads to weight management and better overall health. Better health is associated with more confidence, happiness, and…
According to Mrs. Doe’s observations and ratings, Bob obtained an Adaptive Behavior Composite which fell in the Normal range for his age. Bob’s Communication domain score of 100 on the parent rating fell in the Normal range for his age. Parent ratings suggest a personal weakness in expressive communication. Bob’s Receptive domain and Written domain fell within the Moderate High range. Daily Living Skills domain score was not obtained due to subtest selection. Bob’s Activity of daily living fell…
Today I will be talking about a student named Eddie. Eddie is a 7 year old 1st grader and was born 10 weeks premature with a low birth weight. This caused Eddie to develop a developmental delay that was diagnosed by a pediatrician at 9 months of age. Eddies developmental delay has had many impacts on his learning. Of Eddie’s High incidence disability, today I will be focusing on his gross motor development, fine motor skills, non-verbal cues, and his adaptive skills. Eddie has improved a lot…
Mrs. Harding completed a Vineland-3 questionnaire designed for parents or caregivers. Her responses indicate that Brendan’s overall adaptive behavior is Moderately Low Compared to same age children. His Adaptive Behavior Composite (ABC) score is 71 (3rd percentile). Brendan’s communication abilities fell as a strength in comparison to his other domains measured on the Vineland-3. The Communication Domain measured his receptive, expressive, and written skills. He obtain an adequate score of 96…
cognitive, social-emotional, and adaptive behavior delays. These three areas can be can be harder to identify compared to a child who has delays in speech or gross motor. Cognition is difficult to describe. Hooper and Umansky (2014) define cognitive development as an individual’s ability to translate objects and events into a symbolic form that can be stored in the brain. Cognition can be measured with perceptual and conceptual skills. Perceptual skills are the connection…