device that is considered to be a major digital tool of the 21st century called an interactive whiteboard (Skinner, 2015). Interactive whiteboards have become common in classrooms across America. The popularity of interactive whiteboards has prompted educators to change their teaching strategies and lessons to integrate the use of these boards (Skinner, 2015). Interactive whiteboards are considered to be one of the most profound instructional technologies for diverse levels of education (Yalin & Johnson, 2012). An interactive whiteboard, or IWB, is an instructional tool that is connected to a computer and a projector and enables the transfer of images from…
Teaching African American males their historical identity construction using Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) Teaching African American males their historical identity construction using Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) will exhibit historical construction of identity and stereotyping which the African American male has experienced over four hundred years leading up to their current condition. The use of (IWB) will illuminate the historical reason for their identity and open a dialogue which will…
are taking advantage of technology to better teach students. Whether it be using interactive smart boards, laptops, or iPads, schools are coming more in touch with technology. Most children have been exposed to some kind of technology like a tv, cell phone, or computer, by the time that they reach school age, which gives them a head start in school. This provides let them become easier acclimated to going to school because they already know something. Technology use in elementary classrooms…
Gone are the days where schools contained a standard blackboard or whiteboard and exercise books for every student. Nowadays, schools have incorporated new technologies such as online library databases, laptops for students, interactive whiteboards and online reports into their education system. This fast-growing development is supplying a larger majority of students with more opportunities to flourish as learning and an individual. Firstly, in light of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence…
their data. Both Ms. Verner and Ms. Velazquez agreed two strategies to teach a classroom are in class discussion and worksheets to assess the students ' learning process. As Ms. Verner discussed about science topic such as food intake, Ms. Velazquez expand how students can analyze their eating habit and discover the solution/consequences by connecting the science topics to their daily lives in which students become more committed in participating in the lesson as well class discussion. To…
Many teachers utilize centers in their classroom and have a variety of them to develop different areas such as the one located in Figure 1. The literacy area within the pre-kindergarten classroom as well as the whole group area are where much of the language acquisition, oral development, and overall literacy development will take place. The second component used within the classroom is the use of technology which will assist in literacy development. Within the classroom, there will be three…
observed the one with the most impressive classroom was Ms. Martinez. Ms. Ambriz really wanted me to see Ms. Martinez’ class and her teaching style, but even though I was in Ms. Martinez’ classroom for only an hour I understand why she wanted me to be there. Many features of her room caught my attention, the first thing I noticed was a large 3-D Hulk made of green banner paper that took up half a whiteboard, on it was the student’s work and graded test. Adjacent to that was the back wall, which…
I have gotten at Iowa State’s Math 195 and Des Moines Area Community College’s Math 116 with what I am learning in CI 201 is a very positive experience for increasing my confidence in the elementary classroom. Looking back at ISTE Standard 1 where one of the bullet points required to fulfill the standard says: “engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.” I found the Explain everything project very insightful. Explain…
class, Mrs. Taylor has an inspirational quote up for students to write about. They simply take out a piece of paper known as “Warm Ups”. These are a part of engagement activities for the students. Then there is an Agenda for the day labeled up on the white board for each student to see when they come into class. I personally think the way Mrs. Taylor begins class and communicates with the class is very efficient and very simple to freshman. The classroom environment was as you would think…
I noticed the computers are used during center time every once in awhile. On the computers, students access ABCya! and Starfall along with other interactive games and activities. There are three students that my cooperating teacher considers struggling. During interactive read alouds or review lessons, she puts them at the computer. They normally participate in activities on Imagine Learning. Since the students struggle with the same concepts, they are instructed to stick to the same…