The first Intelligence quotient test I took was the classical intelligence test on the high IQ society website. I had preconceived thoughts about the kinds of questions that were going to be on the test. Prior to starting the quiz, I thought they were going to be like SAT and ACT questions, but most of them seemed like confusing riddles that were hard to crack. I was also surprised that there was a ten minute time limit, but after taking the test I realized it makes sense because I am sure you could look up the answers on Google. One thing I really liked about the test is how you could go back and look through your answers to see which ones you made a mistake on. Overall, I liked this IQ test, and I think I received an accurate score. The…
defined as the study of higher mental processes including attention, language use, memory, perception, problem-solving, creativity, and thinking. It’s within the cognitive level of analysis of psychology that the debate of intelligence centers. Possibly the most philosophical and ethically integrated subject of psychology, I find intelligence, its evaluation, and its relationship with achievement an infatuating area to study. Since the conception of the discipline, the definition of…
Intelligence Quotient determines performance in several different areas of our lives, in relation to others of the same age. According to Stenberg, IQ test analyzes on a broader spectrum; our analytic, practical and creative abilities. Analytic is the way we use critical intelligence, practical is applying or implementing your abilities and creative is coming up with new ideas. I would make sure my virtual child has a stimulating environment, good health and all the resources he needs to thrive.…
Introduction I chose this book because of the duality that it has with human development and growth. The idea of emotional intelligence has been compared to Intelligence Quotient (IQ) levels over the past ten years. It has also been challenged by many who only believe that IQ is the most important for developing productive humans. Even still over the past few years, emotional intelligence has been sought out more frequently than not to help develop the human mind in different therapy techniques.…
There are many different Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests that are used for various reasons. Unfortunately, some of these tests only show a number for the IQ and does not break down what the results of the individual parts are of the test. One theorist who divides the individual’s intelligence into different parts is psychologist Howard Gardner. Howard Gardner states that this is actually eight different intelligences that are independent of each other. The eight intelligences he lists are…
if a child's intelligence level is inherited from their parents or as a result of their environment, leading psychologists back to the nature vs nurture debate. Some psychologist's believe that intelligence level are genetically determined and inherited from their parents supporting the nature argument in the debate. There has been many studies conducted to support this over the last generation. One of the most noted studies was a twin study conducted by Cyril Burt. This study proved…
Based on personal opinion as well as on scientific, peer-reviewed published evidence I conceive that nature and nurture both cooperate to shape prenatal development. Nature and nurture hold a close relationship where without the other, each on its own, is not capable of providing empirical evidence for development itself. Genetics and the environment work alongside to shape children’s intelligence quotients (IQs) where factors such as: schooling quality, parental education and birth weight…
frustration of the workforce. The workforce demographic is an important tool in creating this cohesive unit. Workforce demographics use statistical profiles of the adult working populations. Knowing this analysis of your company will allow the company to see where any weakness are in the working employees. Large companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft use these report to determine how to hire new employees. In the last ten or fifteen years diversity has become a major topic of…
Responsibilities for parents-2004 stated by Berger and Riojas-Cortez, “Parents have the right to inspect and review all records relating to their child that a public agency collects, maintains, or uses regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child” (pg.269). Therefore, Cindy has the right to know what her son Tyler’s IQ scores are as well as what his IQ scores entails in regards to his education. Bertha also made the conclusion that Tyler should be labeled as…
part of your personality is born into you, prewired. Environment can influence and change your personality. For example a shy person in a quiet environment can be shyer or bring someone of their shell in a more welcoming environment. The same goes for an outgoing person, they can be more outgoing in certain environments or they could be victims of abuse and become depressed or unsociable. Family networks, social networks, education, faith community influence your success and is naturally…