Grade retention, also known as “being held back” or “repeating”, has been a controversy within the educational system. Grade retention is requiring a student to return to a grade for further education, because he or she did not demonstrate a knowledge of the skills. Rather than follow social promotion traditions, schools should retain students who score low on state assessments, daily homework, and test scores; have little parental support; or show a lack of maturity. The country will face many problems with sending ill-equipped students out of school without the necessary skills needed to survive. Along with others, educators view that students need to be retained if they do not know the material. The retention process has helped many students…
A. Tingle, Lynne R., Jason Schoeneberger, and Bob Algozzine. "Does Grade Retention Make A Difference?." Clearing House 85.5 (2012): 179-185. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. B. The article first introduces the controversy over grade retention and the effects that tag along, such as "opportunities lost, mental health risks, and educational resources" (Tingle, Schoeneberger, and Algozzine 179). The article then addresses the effectiveness of students who were held back and gives…
on today’s youth . However, the idea of social promotion actually helps the current makeup of students in the United States and will continue to bring prosperity to the future generations of the U.S.. Often the subject of social promotion is raised in conjunction with the concept of “grade retention”. The concept of grade retention is the idea of holding a student back, if they did not receive passing grades that year. Grade retention is not inherently a bad theory. The yearning to better the…
Grade retention has provided more negative consequences than positive. Statistically, it has negatively affected the academic achievement, social adjustment, and emotional state of students (Smith & Ronan Herzog, 2014). Leading to, grade retention increasing the probability that students will not complete school (Jacob& Lefgren, 2009). School Completion. The proper use of grade retention is to allow students the opportunity to gain the academic or social skills they need to succeed.…
article I chose to use was the article from the peer reviewed journal is the ADHD a risk factor for high school dropout? A controlled study. In the article it discussed worrisome which said by Fried R. (2016) “societal impact of grade retention”. Jimerson & Fried R. (1999) (2016) say that “Retained students have a lower level of academic adjustment at the end of junior year of high school. Children are more likely to drop out by the age of 19. There less likely to receive diploma and by age 20…
Additional event spaces comprise of a medium plaza south of the CWF to be used for farmer markets and other events. Natural spaces scattered throughout the park include expansive garden plots and wetlands on the north edge , trees lining the north-south promenade, and new tree plantings near the ball fields and new parking areas. Like the Recreation Concept, the wetland was enhanced as an amenity to the park and park users for environmental education and help with flood retention during large…
For example, if grading a student based on standards, then a scale related to performance and effort can be used. If grading a student on an assessment such as projects, discussions, or inquiry, then a participation grading system would be more appropriate to use. I believe both grading systems are appropriate to use occasionally throughout a class to determine the mastery level of students. Promotion and Retention I believe that promotion and retention should be used as needed in the lower…
Many teachers around the United States deal with students that disrupt their class, or have behavior that is not appropriate on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately, many students are penalized because their unsettling behavior hinders their own and other students learning. These behaviors can include being disruptive, using their cell phone, sleeping in class, challenging the teacher/ instructors knowledge on a particular subject, and many more. Therefore, students should be penalized to a certain…
not relaxed then not performing as well seems to be quite possible. The 400% increase in participants who don’t feel stress in the math classroom after the action implementation shows me the impact of removing a grade. I enjoyed seeing students being able to focus during assessments and not squirming in the chair and asking questions on how to complete a particular task. When the students were presented with a task that they were not real comfortable with or did not understand proficiently…
Grade point average is a metric that measures effort. The amount of effort that a person puts into school is not a measurement of intelligence. There needs to be a culmination of a large number of factors when considering applications for college admissions. There are other factors that must be considered beyond grade point average. Factors like, intelligence, creativity, athletic achievement, and even student personality. Grade point average is a time tested metric. It is an excellent…