The Golden Rule has set the standard for human behavior and conflict resolution for hundreds of years. In tumultuous times it has been the blueprint for societies to maintain order and to remind its citizens that they should all treat each other as equals. Several versions, from a religious and philosophical perspective, have appear through history. Nonetheless they all have shared the same basic understanding that people should treat others in the same way they would like to be treated (class notes from Wikipedia). Because of its relevance and powerful message, the idea of legislating the Golden Rule has been argued. However, it wouldn’t be practical to make a “do unto others” law because of the vagueness of this statement and the complexity…
namely “There’s No Such Thing as ‘Business’ Ethics”, has been written by “John C Maxwell”. It was published at Center Street on August 12, 2003 and consisted of 160 pages in number. The unusual facts about the book and the author are that he is a leadership expert and has described that there is only one rule for everyone, whether there are differences in opinions. At first, I thought that the author describes no role for ethics in business. But after reading Maxwell’s quotes such as “There’s…
could be a turning point in more at morality and could improve a person's well-being. Human nature sometimes is inconsistent with fairness. We tried to put humanity under an umbrella of morality and it does not work for us. The Golden rule explained that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. Usually this is how we test the universalizability of morality. The golden rule is included in most religions and most would agree that the Golden rule stands every time. It’s hard to…
Can we humans make a golden rule that can work for everyone? If so what is this golden rule, we must follow? First we need to understand what is a “golden rule” is. It is an ethic code in which everyone follows. Philosophers such as Protagoras, Jesus, and Kant tried to create a rule that works for everyone with their ideology. Although, they had great ideas for standard of morality doesn 't mean there isn 't a fault within them. Additionally, to see if any of these philosophers ethic code work,…
The golden rule of "treat others the way you want to be treated" has been something we've all been told throughout our childhood. Even as early as kindergarten, we've been taught the rules. I remember during fourth grade when my teacher decided to implement the rule more harshly when I made an ignorant comment on one of my classmates, which caused me to lose recess for that day. Just like how the teacher implemented the rule, Atticus, from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, implements strong…
Counselors have focused so much on the individualism of the client versus seeing the system. The Golden Rule is a balance of caring for others and caring for yourself. As counselors, we need to value ourselves and others. Doherty brought up a lot of ethical concerns in counseling throughout his book. Counselors need to be more than just a sounding board to work out problems. They need to be able to challenge clients as well. After reading this book I learned you cannot make a life-choice…
John Stuart Mill (a student of Bentham) has a slight disagreement, Mill wants to measure happiness in the terms of quality not quantity. In utilitarianism everyone gets an equal vote. They don’t want you to prop your happiness over others, everyone gets a vote when evaluating the suffering/happiness for an act. For example, it is worth it for you to suffer if the masses receive pleasure. Week 4 Day 2 (5-3) Remember that Utilitarianism is based on an analytical view of happiness and action.…
This is a prime case for if the Golden Rule aside from a pure fantasy is actually an effective rule to live by. Ethicist Bernard Gert, who approves of concept but doubts the practical value of the Golden Rule believes if applied in an literal manner it cannot truly be followed. He states in Morality versus Slogans, the Golden Rule is not really a very good guide to conduct. It seems to require conduct that everybody admits is not required and sometimes seems to require conduct that is clearly…
suggests, practicing the Golden Rule opens oneself to a process of change by considering others before one chooses to act. This transformation of letting the ego go begins to change one’s character form within. The Golden Rule cannot be manipulated to serve one’s immoral conduct, like the Iron and Tin Rule do. Moreover, the Golden Rule requires sincerity and is considered one of the most concise and general principles of ethics. Thus, Putnam concluded, the Golden Rule serves as a moral…
In using the Golden Rule, Luke will face varying pros and cons with basing his decision on this approach. If Luke uses the Golden Rule approach, he must make a decision based off of what he will expect from both his company, and his brother. If he is loyal to his company, he will, in return, expect that his company will keep his private information confidential, even if it will cause harm to someone else. Being loyal to his company will be beneficial because it will allow Luke to exemplify his…