Question- How does the rate of cooling affect the crystallisation process of fudge (simulating the process of igneous rocks)? Hypothesis- If one pan of fudge is put in the fridge and one pan is left out on the counter at room temperature the one pan left out at room temperature will have larger crystals than the pan that was put into the fridge. Background- Fudge is a desert that has a crystalline structure. If one pan of fudge is left out at room temperature and the other in the refrigerator, then one should have bigger crystals than the other. This is similar to the Igneous rock formation, when you see different crystalline structures. It simulates the formation of igneous rock under the surface of the earth, where it cools slower and has larger crystals, and the formation of igneous rock on the surface where…
Joann’s Fudge I was peering around at all the sights, smelling all the aromas, hearing all the sounds. Sooooo many gift shops, Fudge stores, restaurants, people, animals. I smelled horses manure, fudge, and yummy delicious looking food from some restaurants. I heard the clippity cloppity sound of the horses hooves banging on the cement. Also the sound of dogs barking, trying to get their chattering owners to throw them the ball that they have been waiting for for what seemed like hours. Me…
the hospital wing, she sat next to a sleeping Harry. The doors burst open, in came Fudge and Professor McGonagall, “Where is Dumbledore?” he demanded to know. “He is not here,” said Penelope. “This is a hospital wing, Minister, not Dumbledore’s office…” The door opened again, “What has happened?” said Dumbledore sharply, looking from Fudge to Professor McGonagall. “Why are you disturbing these people? Minerva, I asked you to stand guard over Barty Crouch.” “There is no need to stand guard over…
Marcia Fudge, Ohio’s representative, enters the podium to discuss the war on poverty on its 50th anniversary which was introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. “The war on poverty has turned into the war on the poor.” Fudge goes onto discuss the beneficial programs former President Johnson created in response to the poverty rates in the United States. According to Marcia Fudge, poverty rates have fallen from 26 percent to 16 percent from 1967 to 2012. However, congress has recently…
different topics (which some could be controversial, such as suicide, war, government, etc.) and how these lyrics have an effect on the listeners. Chapter 1 (Whisper Things into my Brain- Metallica, Emotions, and Morality) is written by the author Robert Fudge, an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Weber State University. Having a Ph.D., an M.A., and a B.A. in Philosophy makes him a well-educated philosopher who professionally contributes to the book. By taking a two sided argument he analyses…
was run by a lady in about her 50s or so. The store sold many things including, candles, hats, sailor themed close and objects, walking sticks, and jewelry. I ended up buying a nice fedora for 20 dollars. We then walked to another store named surf, Wind and fire. Where I bought a neat blanket for another 20 dollars. But they sold all sorts of things from things for kayaking to ukuleles. We went to many other stores but those were my two favorites. But after shopping for sometime we were tired so…
With the first bite I get a tease of the hot fudge oozing from the top of the brownie. Furthermore, with the second bite is when things get crazy. From the second you put the slightest amount of pressure to the brownie is when you will see brown, shiny hot fudge pouring out like a volcano. Appreciating the soft, gooey, brownie, I remember the equally irresistible ice cream beginning to melt on my plate. From here on out I take a small spoonful of each to mix the smooth, cold texture of the ice…
Your Peas. This installation is a one person surrealism performance which took place inside at the gallery's restroom. The side of the location proximately measures 80 square feet and covered with black and white tiles. The restroom’s walls were smeared all over with chocolate fudge; furthermore, written on one of the walls was the title of the installation “Eat Your Peas “which it seemed to be a focal point of the installation. The room lighting environment was minimal and just a bit a light…
Global tourism influenced retail industries to transform their business into an entertainment-retailer in order to attract domestic and international tourists. A large portion of travelers who visit the U.S. conduct shopping here, and while they shop, they are also looking for hedonistic experiences. As a result, retailers have incorporated entertainment such as restaurants, play areas, and sight-seeing attractions to enhance their customer’s experience. “Retailers have been using entertainment…
dessert that almost everyone loves is brownies. They are also one of the simplest to make. Everyone needs to know how to make a good batch of brownies. Ingredients First, the baker must gather the ingredients needed. Some of these would include: Brownie mix, Eggs, Vegetable or Canola Oil, Water, and Cooking Spray. You also need either an 8” x 8” or an 9” x 9” baking pan. For the purpose of this essay you will need to use “Duncan Hines Double Fudge Brownie Mix”. If you find that you do not have…