From movie to movie, Tim Burton expresses a grotesque sensibility, while characterizing a socially awkward difference. He uses many techniques to torment the detail of his characters and their differentiated personality from their setting. To take into consideration, there are the movies Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, along with Big Fish to show the wide variety of techniques and their desired effect. Burton’s desired effect is to alter the audience’s emotions and builds a feeling inside like none other, with the uses of lighting, shots and framing, camera angles, and music/sound. The use of lighting in these movies is to show how a character feels or as a shadowing effect for a horrifying, sentimental scene. In the movie Edward Scissorhands, the familiar character Peg invited Edward Scissorhands into her home and showed him a picture of her daughter. As Edward scrutinizes the picture, the high key lighting highlights Edward's face to foreshadow a connection…
masterpieces. Chock full of dark humor, strange dialogue, and unusual, yet intriguing, characters, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is, without a doubt, another extraordinary creation of the outlandish pair. This film will take you on a journey into the chocolate factory of eccentric candy man Willy Wonka through the eyes of poverty-stricken Charlie Bucket, who, by a string of fate, wins Wonka's contest. The amusing and sadistic events that entail throughout the factory set out to prove the…
What does it mean to be mature? Maturity can be classified in a variety of sections such as emotional, physical, and intellectual. Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, excels in emotional maturity. “Emotional maturity is defined as the strength and courage to actualize individual abilities within the frame of social demands” (Landau and Weissler, 100). From the beginning of the novel, Charlie bears more emotionally mature traits than the adults and the higher classed children showcase…
does this especially well in his movies Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tim Burton uses many cinematic techniques in his films but the one technique that he does extraordinary in his films are camera angles. In his films, Tim Burton effectively uses the cinematic element of camera angles to create a sense of mood and feeling based on the type of camera he uses. In Tim Burton’s movie Edward Scissorhands, he uses low camera angles effectively to give a menacing and…
with, Tim Burton conveys that happiness can be found through any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. Tim Burton uses gloomy films with depressing situations to convey his message. When he was younger, Tim Burton always felt like an outcast, but now he is producing world-wide famous movies conveying his message to everyone. Through his films, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Edward Scissorhands,” and his outcast characters…
Burton demonstrate characters who are different and who are usually misunderstood. In Charlie and the Chocolate factory Charlie is a boy that loves in a small house with his two parents and four grandparents. Charlie’s family is poor and can’t afford much. Charlies is one of five kids in the world to find an golden ticket that grants a pass the visit Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. When Charlie visit his world changes. Tim Burton uses lighting, sound, and camera movements to depict unique…
Scissorhands in 1990 and IN 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory both sharing the same style…
director of our time. By using cinematic techniques he points out the isolated character in the movie and shows how different they are than everyone else. Although it is consistent that these protagonist characters never fit in, what does vary is their desire to do so and many people argue that this reflects Burton himself. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissor Hands directed by Tim Burton, the use of a wishful protagonist and exaggerated characters conveys that no one…
Charlie Bucket lives with his family, Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina and his mother and father. They live in a little house and are very poor. His grandparents are elderly and stay in bed all day long. Charlie’s father works hard in a toothpaste factory but no matter how hard he works he never makes enough money to feed his family. They live on cabbage and cabbage soup, and Charlie is always hungry. Charlie loves chocolate and gets one chocolate bar for…
enhance meaning and emotions. Tim Burton uses sound, lighting, and camera point of views, to create suspense, joy, fear, and anger. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, and Corpse Bride, Tim Burton uses diegetic sound to foreshadow a negative event that may occur. For example,in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus was given the opportunity to taste any thing in the chocolate factory garden his diegetic sound was much different from the others. His had a much lower…