Cinematic Techniques In Edward Scissorhands And Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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Directors use many cinematic elements and techniques to give their movies a mood or feeling but director Tim Burton does this especially well in his movies Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tim Burton uses many cinematic techniques in his films but the one technique that he does extraordinary in his films are camera angles. In his films, Tim Burton effectively uses the cinematic element of camera angles to create a sense of mood and feeling based on the type of camera he uses. In Tim Burton’s movie Edward Scissorhands, he uses low camera angles effectively to give a menacing and powerful look to his subjects. In the movie one example of this use is when the camera is panning across the town and turns to the mansion atop of the hill looking over the town. As the …show more content…
An example of low angle is when it pans to the factory, it uses the low camera angle to give the factory an enormous feeling and to make it seem menacing. The factory contrasts to the town as the mansion contrasts to the town in Edward Scissorhands, making it the main aspect of the story. Another example of a low angle shot is when it goes over to the video game and destructive ticket winner, it uses a low angle when he is playing video games to show how ferocious he is and to make him appear huge. The last example of low angle is when Charlies, Willy Wonka, and Charlies Grandpa are riding up in the elevator. It makes them seem like they have all the power now, to give them a sense of role. Tim Burton uses low angle in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to create a sense of power and to make the subjects look more menacing/huge. In Tim Burton’s films he uses the cinematic element of camera angle’s effectively in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands to give a sense of power and to create a subject to look smaller than they really

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