This committee will meet monthly and will be reinstituting public trust by the concept of open government and freedom of information. This committee will report to the City Council public meetings as needed. The committee will consist of elected residents from the City of Crestview and will be an independent entity. This committee will oversee the responses to public requests, record postings, and any other activity related to promote open government and freedom of information. This Committee will also serve as the Whistleblower within the City government to avoid any further violation of the Sunshine Law. Whistleblowing: Although bureaucratic lore commonly holds that uncovering unlawful waste, fraud, or abuse will result in chilling isolation, impossible job transfers, or other cruel and unusual forms of recrimination, there are still ways to fight back. There are means with which public servants can force a change in an organization’s course without being forced out of a job (Holzer & Schwester, 2011). As the Public Accountability…
In regards to the internet, the world is at a standstill . The web has proven that it has unprecedented abilities. The internet has allowed ideas, opinions, and information to spread across the globe. However, the internet is under attack. Surveillance has become the expected norm. Neutrality is beginning to disappear. The freedom of the web is being taken away. This paper will examine the viewpoints of two thinkers on the current dispute about the internet. Freud would not have supported the…
central source of information, entertainment, and communication. Essentially the internet is vital for performing everyday tasks, but there are also negative sides to the internet. On a good note, almost anything can be researched on the web because it stores ample amounts of data. For example, students prefer to search the internet over searching through library books to find data while conducting a research paper. Also, people have access to an array of entertainment that suits their…
opinion without retaliation, allows people to share information, and for the preservation of personal freedom. The United States guarantees a right to the freedom of speech. This means that anyone in the United States can say whatever they want without fear of government retaliation or censorship. Other nations, like China, do not guarantee this right to their citizens. Though China has gone through lengths to deny their citizens of…
dangers from state and non-state on-screen characters will proceed to develop and multiply. The across the board accessibility of ICT capacities permits less innovatively propelled foes to look for vital to strategic favorable position over U.S. capacities without interest in innovative advancement. Army developments will oblige access to dynamic digital capacities to hold preference over foes utilizing multiplied digital apparatuses. e. Army strengths will be U.S. based, sending into…
As technology advances, members of the free society are able to access an increasing wealth of information. However, the Internet will always have the potential to revolutionize the world, both for the betterment of everyone and the detriment of everyone. In Lloyd Axworthy’s article “The Internet and Global Human Rights,” he compares the positives and negatives of the Internet. People have a higher potential to use the internet to pursue unethical ideas than good because the internet allows for…
The internet has introduced a new technology to human history causing many huge revolutions to people’s lives and today’s technology. It has brought convenience to all specialists as information can be transferred and shared all over around the world. Every country gained benefits from this evolution. But some countries may not obtain the whole view of the productivity which it will bring. They including China the fastest-growing economic country in the world, even conduct censorship to the…
Ever since the world jumped into the realm of the the digital age with the creation of the internet in the early 90’s, many have pondered topics of free speech, expression, privacy, and censorship, and to what extent they apply to the internet. It is clear that the creators wanted an open, unrestricted access to their invention, but with the rise of extremist ideologies and harassment, many are questioning if organizations, companies, and governments should intervene to protect its users. From…
The internet is very expansive and can be accessed by anyone in the world that has internet access. This makes a platform for people to also say what they want such as hate speeches. These hate speech’s should be regulated because it incites violence and for the safety of the public. These hate speech’s that are going around on the internet incite violence across the world. For instance a group such as the neo natizis use the internet to spread their message and ideal’s to a large number of…
case Perincek v. Switzerland, about what the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber have judgment, where firstly court determine that it is not the court’s competence to make legally binding pronouncements and issue conclusion if there were genocide in 1915 ottoman empire where suffered Armenians . The court also interprets that court do not seek genocide denial or it’s justification, and pointed out that Swiss courts are authorized to determine, but the court also points out its…