The Mayor of Crestview, David Cadle shows Laissez-Faire leadership style. The Laissez-faire leader takes a “hands-off, let-things-ride” approach (Northouse, 2016). The leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs.
In the case of Crestview, Mayor Cadle didn’t make any comment at the violation of sunshine law by the City Council members. Similarly, the reading did not show any comment from Mayor in the case of resignation of City Council member Berezo, City Attorney Holley, and termination of Administrative Service Director Mike Wing.
Skill Approach: Mayor Cadle has a 38-year experience of High School Band Director, where he was very successful …show more content…
The Sunshine law of Florida has been in existence since 1967 and still City officials give an excuse that they were not aware of the law is not acceptable. Mayor Cadle needs to direct departmental heads to post the posters of Sunshine law guidelines throughout the City Offices immediately to prevent any further violation of the Sunshine law. The City official, Council members and elected officials should frequently be tested for their understanding of the Sunshine law.
The judicial rulings in the case of Sunshine law violations by the City Council Members set a very weak precedence for public policy. If the City Council members were adjudicated in this case, this would have set a high precedence for public policy as other city and elected officials in the state of Florida would not make such mistakes.
Recommendation 2: Establish Ethical relationship between city employees and elected …show more content…
This committee will meet monthly and will be reinstituting public trust by the concept of open government and freedom of information. This committee will report to the City Council public meetings as needed. The committee will consist of elected residents from the City of Crestview and will be an independent entity. This committee will oversee the responses to public requests, record postings, and any other activity related to promote open government and freedom of information. This Committee will also serve as the Whistleblower within the City government to avoid any further violation of the Sunshine Law.
Whistleblowing: Although bureaucratic lore commonly holds that uncovering unlawful waste, fraud, or abuse will result in chilling isolation, impossible job transfers, or other cruel and unusual forms of recrimination, there are still ways to fight back. There are means with which public servants can force a change in an organization’s course without being forced out of a job (Holzer & Schwester, 2011). As the Public Accountability Committee members do not have any direct city influence, the committee could be fair and impartial in their decision-making