Extinct language

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    The Navajo Language

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    more than the fact that 473 languages are currently close to extinction and in America alone, and that 182 are endangered? These statistics should make all humans consider the fact that diversity is no longer a thing, and that English is the most dominant language. Language is an aspect that makes humans unique individuals in the world and it allows them express their identity, but when languages are being endangered that means there is a threat to identity. Over the years language has been used to pass knowledge from generation to generation, to express the variety of the customs and literature of our different territories, but political and social aspects in America cause languages to disappear. Communities often…

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    across the world with Harrison and learns about endangered languages. Harrisons’ goal is listen to people’s views on why their language is important and celebrate languages that no longer have a large amount of speakers. Harrison is able to meet the last speakers of some languages and expand his knowledge about different cultures and the influence that language has on people’s everyday lives. Harrison is able to identify the similarities and differences between the languages he knows and the…

    • 816 Words
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    Vanishing Voices Analysis

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    “Vanishing Voices” by Russ Rymer, particularly the writings titled “Tuvan, I became aware that many endangered languages and cultures have neared extinction when faced with infrastructure growth and global progress. Much of the economic, technological, and political growth is greatly attributed to a globalized society. The article describes the Republic of Tuvan, in which a family is portrayed as living “ between the border of progress and tradition” (Rymer 2). The language in the Republic of…

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    Kham Case Study

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    still understand a good majority of the Taidam language. Even though they can speak in sentences and are capable of holding conversations with relatives, they aren’t able to say every word or phrase (Baccam). Kham’s oldest daughter, JoJo, states, “Being the oldest, I know how to speak and I understand more than my younger siblings, but since I didn’t grow up in the Taidam Village or strictly speak Taidam in the household,…

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  • Improved Essays

    “To have another language is to possess a second soul.” by Charlemagne, by being able to speak another language it shows respect and determination to those who originated with that language as their first. As for today there is a wide variety of different languages that are officially recognized, extinct, or unofficial languages, since there are vast amount of different languages, there 's a few that have adopted some of each other’s culture, by having different or similar alphabet or writing…

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  • Improved Essays

    The Pohnpeian Language I. Introduction As human beings we communicate in some form weather its using our mouths, sounds, motions, clicking sounds, etc. Either way we communicate to build relationships or to simply get a task done. There are roughly about 7,000 different languages spoken around the world and changes yearly (BBC). All different and from various regions of the world all have one thing in common and that is grammatical structure. A. Background Information First, thing about writing…

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  • Improved Essays

    Why Is Language Dying Out

    • 950 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Languages are going extinct. According to the Huffington Post language is dying out faster than any other language. At a rate of one tongue every two weeks. That is faster than animal species are dying out (Underwood). People might say that is good that the smaller languages are dying out because no really spoke them anyway. The thing is that, it is really not good. Language gives us insight into the minds of the people who spoke it and tells us more about the past. As language gets more…

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  • Improved Essays

    Jargon as the language used for a particular activity or by particular group of people. Is people really making the language evolve or is just laziness. Common sense tell us, why use a long complicated word when a short one can deliver the same message. When you explain everything clearly, people will get it. (Berkun, 2012) Because when you start using big words or jargon, most of us get confuse. The use of jargon sometime is use to confuse, distract or intimidate people. What about if I tell…

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  • Superior Essays

    He writes about the fact that although people should know better, we imitate foul usage of language and drag words that originally had an innocent meaning through the mud. “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought”, he writes. Slurs did not come into being as derogatory. They were found and utilized by those who wished to further racial propaganda and retain white, cisgender, heterosexual, male power. Slur words target those who, by society’s standards, are weaker.…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    allowed our species the ability to communicate through speech. However, the field of paleoanthropology has not been able to come to a consensus about when exactly articulate speech and language became a part of human communication (Fitch 2000). Examining some of the ways in which our evolutionary ancestors communicated with conspecifics we see ‘functionally referential communication’ in primates, which is the ability to communicate a specific message to members of the same…

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