Emergency contraception pills is a way to help you prevent pregnancy after you have sex and you forget to use protection, or you use it incorrectly, or the condom breaks. Emergency Contraception Explained Generally, within 3 days of sex, if you drink emergency contraception pills, you can reduce pregnancy posibility. But taking it within 24 hours of sex is more referable because you may have only a 1% to 2% chance of getting pregnant. This is the reason why emergency contraception pill is often called the "morning after" pill. You shouldn't wait 4-5 days because it does not help you much. How It Works Emergency pills work by using hormones or medications to block pregnancy. Particularly: It stops the release of an egg. It prevents sperm from…
Emergency contraception is a drug that reduces the chances of getting pregnant, and many places sell emergency contraception at any over the counter pharmacy. However, many think that emergency contraception is an “abortion pill”, because of the chemicals that is in an abortion pill, “Most laws take direct aim at surgical abortions, although some also target chemical abortions that use drugs like RU-486, a common chemical abortifacient” (O’Brien Flynn & Fretwell Wilson 72). RU-486 is a drug in…
beginning of the dictatorship contraception was highly available yet under utilized due to a lack of education, access, and the "political dimension of fertility…
In reality, many young women need emergency contraception, and complicating the process of getting it would lead to more unplanned pregnancies and abortions. According to Facts on File, an award winning publisher that publishes online reference material for schools and libraries, “Judge Edward Korman of New York 's Eastern District ruled that Plan B—the most commonly used emergency contraceptive or "morning after pill"—be made available without a prescription for girls 16 and younger… The…
Currently, emergency contraception is legal by prescription or over the counter in the United States. It was not always like this, and for many years it was a constant battle to retain over the counter status for Plan B One-Step. The adverse effects of Plan B One Step are minimal, and can include nausea and delay of menses, which, in my opinion, compared to other over the counter medications is nothing. Any objective review makes it clear that Plan B One Step is more dangerous to politicians…
The controversy on employers providing contraception in the health policy plan to women has sparked a lot of media attention. Some religious organizations do not believe in family planning methods, but supports a specific kind of birth but does not engage in emergency birth control have filed against this mandate. The Supreme Court ruled that religious employers are exempted in providing free birth control for women (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, n.d.). The regulations have some…
abortion to be put on a slippery slope to turmoil. The experience can cause a sense of loss and regret leading to severe depression, which leads to alcoholism (alcohol abuse) as well as social anxiety disorder. These effects happen to be a very common amongst women who undergo this procedure. To “ fill the emptiness “, as stated by The-Gospel.org. women turn to alcohol to make them feel as if the choice they made was the right one. This could all be avoided if the abortion procedure was absent.…
You (maybe use “one” ) might be very ill one day, so you might go to the doctor's’ office to get a check up. During your medical visit, he or she hands you a piece of paper. The paper consists of the medication that you need to use in order to feel better. You then drive to your nearest pharmacy to redeem the prescription signed by the doctor. But the pharmacist refused to fill your prescription up. They might’ve said they didn’t want to due to religious and ethic matter. The next thought they…
Objection and Emergency Contraception, he addresses the moral ethics of pharmacists, and physicians, and their reasons for not dispensing emergency contraception to women. Card continues to argue the controversial reasons behind the idea that emergency birth control is an abortion and is morally wrong in the eyes of some pharmacists. When medical professionals deny the autonomy of a patient, because of their own personal beliefs, it imposes those beliefs on a patient. Denying them emergency…
reaching conclusions comes with much more complexity as varying politics, ethics, perspectives, arguments, social beliefs, laws, rights, and people of all different backgrounds are thrown into the mix. Controversy is common as a result of all of the different angles to be considered. One controversy in particular that has received much attention is on the issue of emergency contraceptives, or the morning-after pill. In 2013, the FDA approved the Plan B One-Step pill to be available to women ages…