Sherman and Maria, the Latino couple, and Auburn and Lamb, Wolfe suggests that insularity and ignorance of the South Bronx were the main causes of the death of Henry Lamb. Politics and crimes of the 1980s also demonstrated that insularity among and within communities promoted tensions between whites and minority groups. In 1981, when housing officials and the Board of Estimate were about to approve a plan to give Harlem residents a three-to-one advantage in the lottery sale of 13 abandoned brownstones in the area, Mayor Ed Koch overrode their decision and stated that he would no longer let Harlem residents have any advantages over outsiders in buying city-owned property in their community. Leaders in Harlem argued that open sales would result in wealthy whites outbidding blacks and forcing them out of Harlem. However, Koch stated that he was not to favor any race or ethnic group when buying or selling these buildings. This decision created a rift between Mayor Koch and the Harlem community, with Frederick E. Samuel, the City Council member from Harlem, stating that the Mayor “missed an opportunity to extend an olive branch to the community,'' (Goodwin, para. 6) and would inevitably damage relations between himself and Harlem (Goodwin, para. 7). Cases of racial crime in the 1980s also supported the idea of insularity causing these incidents. In one article describing the outraged reactions of the black community following the death of Yusef Hawkins, Father Fermeglia states…
Since 1982, various civic groups and campaigns have launched multiple campaigns to restore and reuse the hospital buildings in an attempt to revitalize the surrounding area with affordable housing contained within the hospital buildings. One specific group, Neighborhood Women, led by Jen Peterson, a woman from the community who has united the supporters out of a vision of the common goal of development, has been at the forefront of the fight to reuse the buildings. This group has consistently…
glance, upon further inspection the holes in its message start to become clear. For this very reason, Koch’s essay is a convincing article, yet riddled with logical fallacies and self-contradictions. Throughout his article, Koch intertwines emotional stories with the refinement of the many arguments people who oppose the death penalty may have. He begins with two reports of convicted felons, Robert Lee Willie and Joseph Carl Shaw, and their final words before being put to death. Next, he…
Method: Purpose: To investigate how Porcellio Scaber reacts in terms of orthokinesis to different humidities in their habitat. Equipment- 75 slaters which range from 5-10mm in length (kept in a plastic container with holes in the lid, with dirt and bark so that they are kept in a natural environment as possible so can react naturally during experiment.) 5x petri dish set ups labelled from 50-90% (One petri dish on the bottom will contain glycerol and have a mesh/gauze hot glued over top…
I am against death penalty, and mayor Edward I. Koch is completely wrong about death penalty. Death penalty is ethically wrong, diminishes human life, and can be deadly for innocent people. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” (Mohandas K. Gandhi). The irony of death penalty is that a killer is being killed. The quote by Gandhi shows that one killing with lead to another and in the end whole world is suffering. Edward I Koch is a death penalty supporter, the politician wants death…
A select few women out of the population, however, came into power and took up positions in concentration camps whether it be because of a marriage to a S.S. officer, or just because they earned the position themselves. Ilse Koch is now one of the most well known S.S. concentration camp overseers. She married Karl Otto Koch, and the two were transferred to Buchenwald, where she took her position as camp overseer. What distinguished her from the rest of the women working in the camps was her…
The underlying focus of Miasma theory relied on the theory of bad air caused by the environment. The new environments of the tropics being explored by the western world and the new environment of cities created by the industrialization in the nineteenth century, provided new types of bad air, and thus best explained the emergence of diseases as epidemics. Malaria became a major problem in the tropics, and Cholera became a major problem in the cities. The mechanism of spreading for cholera and…
republican. The topic of discussion was on same sex marriage. At the end of the segment, the reporters had an intelligent discussion with no one side being heard more than the other. Much part of the interview or debate was open to all arguments giving the viewer information to make an intelligent choice on whether they were pro or against same sex marriage. On Fox News reporters would have bashed or attacked their guests for having an opposition on the matter. They would smear the topic with…
cattle, sheep, camels and oxen” (CDC, 2016). In addition to this, many scholars believe that anthrax was described by Homer in The Iliad and some even suggest that anthrax contributed to the fall of Rome (CDC, 2016). Fast-forward many years, and the first clinical description of anthrax was given by Maret in 1769 (CDC, 2016). This was a leap in the identification of anthrax, as previously it has only been written about in historical accounts rather than a clinical medical setting. The first…
The health information exchanges are very significant in the modern healthcare systems. The health information exchanges (HIE) allow the movement of clinical information in disparate information systems in the different locations. The HIE also ensures that the information that is transmitted is still relevant in meaning. HIE is very critical in ensuring that there is faster access to health information, and quality services are also provided to the patients. It is evident that the HIE holds the…