E-Learning e-Learning 2 With the development of networking concepts and the need for education, many individuals have resulted to taking on line course to achieve their educational goals (Rogo, 2015, p. 12). With the development of technology and the advanced networking systems, many colleges and university now offered their courses through technological means such as E- learning. Electronic Learning has evolved in a primary choice of learning for many individuals seeking a level of convenience within their educational endeavors. E-learning is the process by which educational goals can be achieved to meet the mission of educating and providing knowledge at a cost effective solution while allowing student the freedom to delegate their daily…
What is M-learning and E-learning? M-learning is education that uses primarily mobile or electronic devices. M-learning is similar to home-schooling in the sense that you can learn anywhere. M-learning can encompass a variety of tools to help learning such as videos, podcasts, online textbooks and more. M-learning classes can communicate through text which is an easy way to learn about assignments, projects etc. E-learning is a similar thing. E-learning means 'electronic-learning' and usually…
The second thing to talk about is that e-learning makes the process of learning more flexible and faster and easier. E-learning helped the students who are working and have difficulties because then don’t have the time to pay attention to all the things said in the lecture so they can download the lecture and they can speed up on the parts they know and slow down and repeat the parts they didn’t understand. For example, students in the exams time they would skip over materials they found it not…
Online Learning Technological development has brought more opportunities in education, in particular through online. Online learning (e-Learning) can be defined as “learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom” (“What Is ELearning?”). Jeff Seaman, the Co-Director of the Babson Survey Research Group, said, “The rate of growth in online enrollments remains extremely robust, even as overall higher education enrollments have shown a…
Develop E- Learning and blended learning Part of the role of an Instructional Designer involves identifying, selecting and implementing resources for course training plans which include methods and media analysis, the systematic approach to selecting the correct resources that facilitate learning. These course training plans are used by instructors for external courses. The courses are both theory and practical based with the majority practical, therefore the correct selection of aids is…
In this essay, I will be critiquing “The Learning Potential Of E-Books” written by Lotta Larson. In Larson’s piece, she presents an easy-to-follow layout and examines the adoption of E-Books in educational environments and their benefits. She explores advancements in technology that allow E-Books to give an interactive reading experience for students. Larson argues that E-Books allow for a more customizable learning and reading experience in schools. In addition, Larson stresses the benefits…
1. Introduction E-Learning is a young and ground-breaking phenomenon for serving the needs of learners. The use of technology and new communication channels allow teachers and learners to experience a social, interactive and vibrant learning environment. Governments invest in E-Learning initiatives for making education accessible to everyone by lowering the barriers of time and place and providing flexibility and affordability especially for those could not enter traditional programs. (Bichsel,…
E-learning has come a long way within the business world. Certain companies now turn to e-learning when it comes to training their employees. Before taking such a giant step, the companies must first ask themselves: What risks and benefits will e-learning bring to the company? Some of the most profitable companies, now a day, are using e-learning methods to enhance the knowledge of their employees. I have done some research on this topic and I will further discuss some of the advantages and…
Importance of E-Learning in the Digital Age Change has become the order of the day. To keep pace with our ever changing fast paced lifestyles we are compelled to adopt and turn to other learning systems. As with everything else education in the current era, is taking on a new form – moving from traditional learning patterns to a technology driven e model taking advantage of the technological advances in the digital era. Nature and Characteristics of E-learning Availability of Internet in every…
sold would come with a warning label from the surgeon general that would say: ‘Judgment not included”, joked Thomas Friedman author of the World is Flat. Despite the original World is Flat being written about a decade ago its point is still true, judgment is still not included. E-learning, the webs version of the classroom, is an exploding industry, with online universities such as the University of Phoenix, and brick and mortar colleges like Yakima Valley Community College offering hundreds of…