Seminar 1 Reflection Questions To make our time together as productive and efficient as possible, please reflect on the following questions and email your responses to Dr. West and Dr. Clauhs by Tuesday, 9/13. 1. How much of your teaching opportunity/experience is indeed student-centered? Why? Since this is Block 1 and the beginning of the school year, a lot of the first few days of school has involved work outside of playing music and rehearsing, including things such as organizing the band room, assembling music and folders, and going over handbooks and general classroom rules and regulations. Teaching at the school year really made me realize how much a band director has to do outside of actually teaching the students. A lot goes into preparation to ensure smooth, organized rehearsals, and most of the time, no matter how much you do to prepare, something will still go wrong. After a few days of administrative work and “boring band director stuff,” all of the ensembles are now playing in their rehearsals. I started working with the percussion sections in both periods of Concert Band, which is an ensemble made up of only freshmen. I have also observed my co-op as he works with the freshmen woodwind and brass sections during both periods in setting up a routine and working tone quality, balance, blend and intonation. I just started conducting the Wind Ensemble, which is the highest-level ensemble at the high school, and the Symphonic Band, working on warm-ups and one…
Becca means “ax,” like you have raw talent or you have a fabulous point to an argument. They can be a special friend too, one that will seem like family for plenty of years. They are very passionate people and are very energetic. This name is perfect for Becca Hamilton because she is an Olympic curler. Becca Hamilton’s childhood was spent in McFarland, Wisconsin. Born July 12th, 1990 in Madison, Wisconsin, she joined her parents Scott and Cathy Hamilton, and one brother Matt Hamilton. Becca…
There was a party atmosphere within the band, the players started dancing with the music rhythm with a very specific choreography of little jumps to dance, move forward, and keep walking at the same time. The next 5 lines were the trumpets. Within this group there were some women as players. I was not able to count how many trumpet player, but my guess is that it was the same number of trumpets than trombones. The trumpets did not play at the moment they passed by my spot, they are very formal,…
The Quartet band was situated with drums in back center, bass in back right, keys in back left, and trumpet had the front section to himself to pace as he played. My server told me that Willem Paynter has a contract with the owner to provide live jazz every second Wednesday. The server also mentioned that the group that Willem brings is normally different every week as there is not a set band. So, Willem Paynter is the band leader but doesn’t have a consistent group, allowing for each…
their young ladies. These celebrations are called Quinceaneras. They are celebrations where the family showcases the young lady and introduces her to society, basically celebrating her coming of age. However living in America, it’s customs have become our customs therefore we decided to celebrate my daughters sweet sixteen. During this highly anticipated event we surprised our family members with music and a folk dance from my Parents homeland, it was the Cumbia. The girls donned traditional…
First, the harmony consists of a repeated eleven chord group, which is played through most of the song. This repetition is called an ostinato. Throughout a majority of the song, the rhythm is comprised of a bass drum beat with extravagant riffs included between the lines. Next, the melody is a combination of singing and shouting. Commonly, there are numerous repeated notes at the start of the line with a downward formula at the end of the line when the words are sung. The timbre is prominent in…
Jazz History Concert Report The date of the concert was October 5, 2016 and the title of the concert is “Experimental Improvisation with: Kjell Nordeson & Peter Kuhn”. The concert was performed in Mesa College Music building. Peter Kuhn had three instruments with him a bass clarinet, saxophone, and a Bb Clarinet. He used the bass clarinet and the saxophone during his first piece, and the clarinet on the second piece. Kjell Nordeson was on the drum but had a lot of instruments with him.…
the band. And without the Drum set these drummers would have never been. Jazz or Rock n Roll or Pop music wouldn’t be the same without the invention and evolution of the drum set. The drum set took over a century to become what it is today. The drum set is an American instrument and through its development it has reflected the way America has developed. The drum set has become the most visible and widely used percussion instrument and a very important instrument in countless genres of music…
into a standard symphonic instrument short before numerous other percussion instruments. Snare drum, bass drum, and crash cymbals were embraced before long and rapidly got connected with the ensemble also. Percussion Instruments utilized as a part of established music : Drums a. Bass Drum In an ensemble, the bass drum assumes a crucial…
an approximation of sound and nonpitched instruments generally adhere to high, middle and low pitches. However, musicians can't name specific pitches, such as the specific pitch middle C. These instruments typically employ specific effects and dramatic stimulus to the music. For instance, a cymbal crash using a mallet helps increase the power of a crescendo. Musicians often refer to nonpitched instruments as instruments of indefinite pitch. Membranophones Membranophones use a stretched…