“One of the most extraordinary, timeless bodies of work in music history.” This is one way Rhino Records has been described in the music industry. It has been spanning decades of cultural history and worked with virtually every genre. It is incredible at developing and promoting different collections across multiple media platforms. Rhino has evolved into the world’s premier reissue label, setting standards for excellence in both the physical and digital worlds. Thanks to this label, our definitions of what a catalog music company can be have been expanded. Now they are currently specializing in reissues, compilations, and anthologies and rocking it as they do. Rhino Records is a specialty record label and production company. It was originally…
My Response to Ritchin and Balsamo. From the four reads of the week by Ritchin and Balsamo, my main takeaway from Ritchin was the advancement of digital photography and how it has made it easier for photographers to tell their story through imagery, plus the added effect that tells a false story and Balsamo the unconscious consequence of technological innovations on culture. “Photography, as we have known it, is both ending and enlarging, with an evolving medium hidden inside it as in a…
DIMENSION SEVEN: THE RELATION OF THE OLD TO THE NEW Defining change and a digital workplace Change is inevitable. Change is significantly apparent in ‘New learning’ or ‘21st learning’ as there is a substantial amount of research contributing to the idea of transforming learning environments, in turn, changing ‘classroom’ or ‘learning space’ dynamics. Change can be relative. Cuban (1993) explains that for some teachers substituting textbooks, deciding to implement technology such as computers…
A general definition of a home network would be the interconnection between two or more computers to establish a local area network inside the home. With the advancement of the technology, the notion of computers has changed because many devices can do the same job that computers do. Therefore, let us define a home network as a local area network that allows digital devices present inside of a home to communicate together. We will enumerate a list of Home Network devices and we will write…
INTRODUCTION Interactive learning is a learning system that combines together the effect of social networking and urban computing within the same curriculum. Interactive learning has become dominant from a round 2000 and this is due to the increase in the number of people involved in the digital technology and virtual communication. It is a system where the boundary between the educator and the learner means completely nothing and the educators can no longer be regarded as the keeper of…
OVERVIEW: I AM DIGITAL™ 101 The time to bring “I Am Digital™” literacy in the mainstream of American communities is now. Digital literacy can be defined as the ability to access, analyze and engage in critical thinking about the array of messages they receive and send in order to make informed decisions about the everyday issues they face regarding health, work, politics and leisure. Most American families live in “constantly connected” homes with 500+ TV channels, broadband Internet access, and…
We are known as the digital native 's, if you put all of us together on an island we would honestly not know how to survive. Ever since we were children there have been cell phones, or computers to distract us when we were bored. You then have the digital immigrants who are now adults that grew up with out technology and had to learn how to communicate with it as they got older. People born in the digital native era have a different kind of knowledge then digtal immigrants do. There are two…
Digital Supply Chain https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.itbusinessedge.com/imagesvr_ce/2707/AribaDigitalSupplyChain01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.itbusinessedge.com/slideshows/how-to-build-business-value-with-a-digital-supply-chain.html&h=353&w=520&tbnid=yf44XYnA5Lmd2M:&docid=7Fkm-D6ZnbNoiM&ei=slZqVq2xOYute7OSsKgD&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwit0q_LgdPJAhWL1h4KHTMJDDUQMwhZKDMwMw “Supply chain digitization means moving all aspects of a supply chain online, including procurement, invoicing,…
Digital Privacy Without privacy there is no freedom. Conversely, without security there is no country. Imagine a chaotic world where citizens live in constant fear of what could happen to them, because of the lack of safety in their country. Terrorism has especially been an issue in America, and with the growing number of threats, it is impossible to tell when or where domestic attacks may occur. The government should have every right to access digital information of their citizens, to maintain…
need for digital literacy has fallen way to the need for digital literacies. Fortunately Allan Martin in Digital Literacies for Learning puts it in more measured and useful terms, with a focus to enable educators. “Enabling education in a digital environment means not only changing the form in which learning opportunities are offered, but also enabling students to survive and prosper in digitally-based learning environments… Traditional notions of literacy need to be challenged, and new…