The scientific method is a systematic method of observation that involves asking a question, doing research on said question; developing a hypothesis and testing it by experimentation and drawing and reporting conclusions made by the experiment. Overall, Dr. E did not follow the scientific method. He didn’t do any research into his question; other than his own exercise habits and his discussions with his maternal grandmother he didn’t know a lot about health research and hadn’t worked with older adults. He did formulate a hypothesis - that adults over the age of 65 who exercised regularly and ate healthy diets would live longer because they had a healthier lifestyle. He tested his hypothesis, although his experiment was deeply flawed, and was unable to draw any conclusions from his research. Dr. E’s study had aspects of both correlational and experimental designs but overall was an experimental design. In a correlational study, variables are not manipulated but rather observed with the purpose of identifying…
Introduction A company for medical devices was developing a particular technology for enabling smaller medical devices for launching a substrate development endeavor to be a section of a large-scale technology and product development effort. The development of the substrate consisted of a prediction of the stress that was caused by the welding process using laser to ensure the reliability of the product. For this Design for Six Sigma (DFFS) case study, design and analysis of computer experiments…
Outcome 3b of the Engineering Criteria of 2000, states that engineering graduates must have “an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data”. Engineers typically perform one of three types of experiments: a. A theoretical relationship between two or more variables is already known (or at least suspected) and an experiment is needed to verify or quantify this relationship. b. A theoretical relationship between two or more variables is not available but…
One extraneous variable is setting. Both groups will receive pretest and posttests on the same dates. Trained facilitators who will follow a pre-written script and lesson plan will deliver instructions; they may not stray away from the script. The script and lesson plan will have all the material and information laid out; therefore, there is little confusion. Conclusion I believe that the results from the experiment will show the positive effects of using a bullying prevent program. If the…
Critical review process of improving the Product reliability by using DFSS and DOE Introduction: In this case it all about the using the DFSS (Design for Six-Sigma) and DOE (Design of Computer Experiments) technique to improve the product reliability through developing substrate development effort for a new product with the large scale technology. Thomas Bertels and Arne Buthmann given that this is a process for developing a technology to make the smaller medical devices in a medical company…
Due to the random assignment of subjects it is assumed that the two groups are equivalent, and allow for comparison of results, in order to determine if there is a positive effect when one smiles. Between- subjects design is advantageous because it allows each individual score to be independent of the other scores (Son, & Lee, 2015). However, the design requires a large group of the population in order to be effective and it is also affected by individual differences such as attitude or past…
Both groups received pre and post test questionnaires to evaluate their knowledge. The results showed that the E-Pub online learning modules produced statistically significant improvement of identification and treatment of pressure ulcers compared to the on campus teaching environment. The purpose of this paper is to examine and critique the design, foundation, conduct, analysis and usefulness of the…
In this essay, it will interpret the article by Linda Darling-Hammond in contrast to the four-step education research evaluation process that is outlined in our course textbook. This essay will consist of identifying the research question of the article, confirming that the research design matches the research question, examining how the study was and selecting the dual explanations for the study (Lauer, 2006). The study of this article includes conducted Participants and Selection, Definition,…
There are many research approaches available in psychology. Experimental and correlational research designs are just two of the various approaches taken into consideration for researchers. Each approach is useful and practical when applied to the appropriate situation. Though the approaches are used in different scenarios and are different in definition, they also share some similarities. Experimental research design focus is towards testing hypotheses, cause and effect relationships, and…
In the paper entitled, “An Experimental Examination of Rational Rent Seeking,” Potters, de Vries and van Winden (1998) explore the power of the rent-seeking model through laboratory experiments. Rent Seeking was an idea that was first developed by Gordon Tullock in 1967 in his classic paper, “The Welfare Costs of Tariffs, Monopolies and Theft.” In this paper, he discusses three separate but still related phenomena. Firstly with tariffs, he considers how import-competing industries spend real…