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    It was hard to see the ground for the most part, but as I walked I could faintly see the grass at my feet. To the left of my vision was the outline of a bench with a large tree just to the right of it. I settled here because it seemed like the perfect view of the puddle. I glanced around and found myself walking through the scene one by one. First, was the dirt, the place where every good thing comes from, and the often-unsung hero of nature. I say hero because what happens in nature that does not somehow begin with the soil in that environment? New Brunswick is especially interesting because it is not like everywhere else. The dirt here always has a reddish tint to it and while I am not exactly sure why, I know it has something to do with the chemical makeup. Somehow that soil is advantageous to the many trees around Passion Puddle. The one next to me appears to be a white ash. The Audubon Society says that it tends to live moist, streamsides, much like the environment around Passion Puddle. Out further is where the oaks of the region begin to take anchor. Another down played ability of soil is its stability. Just think of all the roots that have made their way in and held on for dear life. Trees themselves are incredibly important to the environment, but where would they be without soil? They would not exist because they would have nowhere to go, nowhere to anchor to, and nowhere to gain the nutrients it needs to keep growing. Soil does not begin and end with trees; it is…

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    Great Essays
  • Superior Essays

    “I’m going on an adventure!!”, this is what Bilbo described himself as he was running off into a new world from the Hobbit. The same can be said about an American. Though how does one simply be an American? This question can be taken in several ways, however one easy way to describe it is by experiencing it firsthand. By going on an adventure like never before, seeing the beauty of nature as you spring down the path, making friends along the way. That is what being an American is all about.…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    In “Corn-Pone Opinions,” “The Creation Myths of Cooperstown,” and “Graven Images,” by Twain, Gould, and Bellow, respectively, each author explores the fallibility of human perception. While the main purposes of these three essays differ, each one still implements the theme of trending to illustrate how and why people naturally conform-- even if a movement involves believing in a falsehood. In the first essay, “Corn-Pone Opinions,” Twain analyzes how most people shape their beliefs based on…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The 20th century in the United States of America was an era of massive evolution. Through the decades, history was made; new discoveries, new society, and racial breakthroughs have shaped America. Baseball was originally believed to have been invented by Abner Doubleday of New York in 1839. Later it was discovered that the game was not invented by Doubleday but by Alexander Cartwright. Abner Doubleday had nothing to do with the creation of the sport. Abner Graves, who shared the information…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    I believe that the Baseball Hall of Fame should stay in New York, but be relocated to Brooklyn. New York has many historical ties to the game of baseball, and it’s more of a central location comparted to Cooperstown. The legend of Abner Doubleday was said to have stated playing baseball in New York in as a rural past time in 1939. Even though this is just a myth many baseball fans associate the beginning of baseball with the state of New York. In 1845 the Knickerbockers were created as a…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    “I can't wait until I get to leave for my vacation tonight!” I exclaimed. It was the summer of 2014 and I was counting down the hours until I left on my Cooperstown vacation. I was going to visit New Jersey, New York City, and Pittsburgh on my way to Cooperstown. My parents couldn’t get me to Pittsburgh, so, I went with one of my teammates. We left Chicago on Monday June 30th, 2014, and we arrived in Cooperstown on Saturday July 4th, 2014. We arrived in New Jersey the next morning…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The Creation of Baseball Since 1839 baseball has been known as America’s pastime but to others it is even more than that. And as the history is unclear about the sport it might have been even longer than that. The start of baseball has a lot of discrepancy on how the game was started, where it was started, and who the sole creator was. With others believing baseball simply evolved from other sports. For the most part all of these are true statements with a few exceptions to them. The belief is…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    the great life” screams John. On this very day John Colby will forever lose the way he looks… When he landed in New York city he was amazed because he always wanted to see New york city. Once he landed with his dad his dad says “It's gonna be a long drive to Cooperstown son” exclaimed dad. “Ya I realized that.” said John “Well just make sure you get some rest while we take our 4 hour drive” “Yesssss dad I know”. “Do you need any food or snacks or water?” questioned dad “Dad I don’t! Just let me…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Pete Rose Case Study

    • 1944 Words
    • 8 Pages

    -- sort of a "time served" scenario that would give Rose the Hall of Fame posterity he's so desperate for. But ESPN just found entries in a bookie's notebook that seem to be proof that Rose has been lying all along -- no surprise to anyone who knows anything about addicts. As a result, Pete Rose and Cooperstown will likely remain estranged forever.” (Barra) Rose would have most likely been able to make his plea and make it on the ballot if he had told the truth from the beginning. Sports…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    years with some friends from school. The team’s name was the Lake Shore Bluesox. Our team was in a travel league where we would play teams across the state of Maryland from different counties. We practiced three nights a week with a game on Friday, along with three games over the weekend. It was a lot of hard work, but we won almost all of our games. Our coach told us that if we kept up a good record, we could be invited to a big out of state tournament. One day when I was relaxing after…

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