The Benefits of Chewing Gum on Oral Health (F) Chewing gum should be added into your daily oral care routine. It has many possible benefits on oral health: it kills bacteria, freshens breath, removes unwanted leftover food that may be stuck in teeth, and can even remineralize teeth and prevent cavities. Many different kinds of gum are offered on the market. One may prefer a specific gum because of its added benefits like xylitol or gum with CPP-ACP. Other preferences may be its flavor or whether or not its sugar free. Chewing gum with the ADA (American Dental Association) seal is best because that means its sugar free. Non-cavity causing sweeteners such as cylitol, spartame, xylitol, or mannitol sweeten sugarless gums. Chewing gum that contains…
teachers are usually against chewing gum in the classroom and saying that it is distracting. My goal for this experiment is to prove that chewing gum helps with concentration and to get teachers to allow kids to chew gum during tests and quizzes. All of the research I was able to obtain completely supports my hypothesis. Each of my sources suggest that chewing gum makes a difference. Chewing gum is good for the brain and can boost alertness by 10%. It does not, however, help us think any…
Background research Can gum help you concentrate. My hypothesis is that I think chewing gum can help you concentrate. I think chewing gum can help you concentrate because if you are to taking a reading test it might help you remember. But some teachers think it's a distraction. I think that gum should be allowed in class so that it can help you. And in some of the other paragraphs it will tell you how gum helps you remember things. "Teachers should think twice about letting student chew gum…
concentration-enhancing methods, which help people staying focused during the tasks at hand and get them done efficiently. One of these methods is very popular among many young people, and it is chewing gum when solving difficult tasks. This fact has eventually become a curiosity, which many psychologists want to learn more about it via researching. This curiosity…
Benefits of Chewing Gum Mm, don't you just love that sweetness,stickiness,goodness that you get from chewing gum? I know I do and most of you too.Thousands of years ago people chewed gum in its pure natural form.Tree lumps,sweet grasses and even waxes were chewed as ancient chewing gum. Today their and hundreds of gum flavours from the sweet classic vanilla to the iciness mint flavor.There are many types of gums available in the market,from gum used to color our teeth and even the gums used…
Studies have proven that chewing gum helps one concentrate; however, which flavor of gum can help someone concentrate the most? Chewing gum contains an immense amount of sugar. Increased amounts of sugar intake in a short period of time can increase the amount of glucose traveling to the brain (Onyper, Carr, Farrar, & Floyd, 2011, p. 326). The heightened amount of glucose creates more energy, which helps a consumer to stay alert and focused. The effects of the ingredients of gum, the effects of…
Is Chewing Gum Safe or is it a Sweet Deception? Today 59 percent of people who live in the United States chew gum which means that an estimate of 100,000 tons of gum is consumed each year (Mercola). Most people chew gum for stress relief, to achieve fresh breath, and to overcome cravings or simply just for the taste. However is there more to gum than what meets the eye? Is chewing gum even safe? Well I hate to be the one to pop your sugar coated bubble but chewing gum is very harmful for the…
We're going to talk about the effects that gum has on cavities and gum disease. Many patients inquire about whether or not chewing gum can have any sort of affect on cavities and gum disease. The good news is, they have actually found that there are new gums out there, new chewing gums, that are actually helping prevent cavities. And it does that a couple different ways. But first of all, when you're chewing gum, what you're doing is, when you're biting down on the gum you're stimulating your…
Bad chewing gum disposal By Samuel Edison There are multiple things that annoy me in this world that we live in, and one of which is in my opinion is by far the worst: Bad disposal of chewing gum. Honestly, how hard is it to keep that chewing gum in your mouth until you spot a bin, instead of spitting it on the ground, so that an innocent person, minding their own business tramples on it and there shoe is sticky and ruined by your viscous chewing gum. Us humans need to stop this poor…
grade, but what if something as simple as chewing gum could improve memorization? Many studies over the years can show that chewing gum can affect how effective your brain is at memorizing information. Chewing gum can be known to speed up the brain by get more blood flow to the brain. The effect can cause the brain to warm up quicker and recall what it needs to remember (Abel “Does Chewing Gum Affect," n.d.). Chewing gum can affect test scores because chewing gum warms up the brain, memories…