The project that I chose to assess is the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley (ESYB) project. The ESYB is a community nutrition project that is currently taking place in the city of Berkeley in California. The community in Berkeley is very diverse with people of many different cultures, ethnicities, ages, incomes and occupations. The target population, of the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley project, includes the students from grades 6 through 8 at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, also called King Middle School. The organization implementing and fully funding the project is the Edible Schoolyard Project (ESYP), which used to be called the Chez Panisse Foundation until 2011. The ESYP is a nonprofit organization started by Alice Waters the owner of the Chez Panisse Restaurant. The organization is involved in many different projects, but the first project was the Edible Schoolyard project in Berkeley. The ESYB program officially began in 1996 with its first…
Schoolyard at the Martin Luther King Jr. middle school in Berkeley, California. This program turned into an entire curriculum that students had to follow in their schools. In this class students got to grow their own produce, learn kitchen skills, and then they benefitted from eating the food they grew and prepared. Even though this was a class, there was also a small lesson each day in every other type of class that talked about healthy eating. For example, the teacher could give a quick lesson…
farmers market started to grow. Alice Waters opened her restaurant, Chez Panisse in 1971, which is located in Berkeley, California.…
Rick Bayless is a chef that specializes in Mexican cuisine. He has opened up many of his own restaurants between Chicago and Los Angeles. He has a total of six restaurants and one catering company. His first restaurant he opened up was Frontera Grill, which is located in Chicago. He also opened up Topolobampo which specializes in fine dining in Mexican cuisine. Bayless has been in many TV shows and has won many awards as well as written many cookbooks. He is a chef that contemporizes Mexican…
Samin, it is important to master “Grandma cooking.” Grandma cooking is the type of cooking that is pasted down through the generations as a type of family heirloom. There is no need for a recipe because everything is done by memory and measured by taste. This often explains way so many family recipes become extinct. Nonetheless, Grandma cooking is considered a foundation to all talented chefs. It allows them to build their own taste while keeping with their unique family traditions. 2. The…
you add to the food or the style of cooking, the flavor comes from where the food comes from. How its raised, the soil in which its grown in, how its treated, when its picked at its best, no added chemical’s to the food are all contributions to making food taste better. These realizations opened up the door for her to start ordering food from local and organic farmers. In the beginning it never crossed her mind to have organic food to cook, that all changed once she tasted the difference between…
Although this may be true, a much more important lesson is being taught to students through school gardening programs. Alice Waters, chef, author, and the proprietor of Chez Panisse, is an American pioneer of a culinary philosophy, created The Edible Schoolyard at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King, Jr., Middle School. She is considered one of the most educational innovators in nation and has won many awards including, Excellence in Education Award from Senator Barbara Boxer and an Educational Heroes…