A tale! I have a tale to tell- a terrible, troublesome tale, but a tale nonetheless. Would you like to hear it? If so, open your mind and your heart, but be warned- this is no ordinary tale of heroes and monsters; this is a tale of twisted hearts and treacherous minds, with a not-so-happy ending. This, my dear friends, is the tale of a mirror. ********* It started, as it often does, with a jealous heart. The keeper of said heart was a young woman- kind as she was beautiful. Her beauty was treasured- yea, coveted by many. However, there was another- as the story often goes- who was more beautiful, more dainty, and simply more in comparison. What was the girl to do but seethe in silence? Perhaps before we continue, we should name the two- the jealous being Invidia and the other more beautiful called by the name Kyoko. Now, regardless of Invidia’s own beauty, Kyoko’s beauty prevailed- and so she was favored above poor Invidia; and so Invidia’s jealousy grew. Unknown to her, she was not the only jealous one. Despite being lesser in looks, Invidia was charming and lovely in her countenance, drawing many to love her more than Kyoko- for Kyoko was not so charming as she. Because of this, the number of people who favored the other was rival to her own. And so Kyoko cultivated her jealousy, let it fester and grow until it morphed into hatred and resentment. And such was her fury that Kyoko began to plot to find a way to rid Invidia of her loving heart. She sought…
The café is where Michael and his friends Sarah and Bryson go to hangout in the virtual world. Sarah has a blithe attitude while Bryson is more uptight. Michael and his friends have not met in real life, but they play the game together all the time. Michael says to his friends, “Because that’s what humans do. They meet each other and shake real hands” (Dashner 15). This shows how Michael wants to meet his friends. Sarah and Bryson are always making up excuses to just play the game and hangout at…
A Walk in The Woods: The Disconnect from Nature The problem in our society is the disconnect from nature. Many Americans are uncultured in the wild world of untamed wilderness, thus must explore outside the civilized world of home. Nature is all around us and for many Americans nature is something that has not been experienced. With the lack of understanding nature, poor health has become a way of life for many. In the book A Walk In the Woods by Bill Bryson, two men set off on the…
In his “Neither There Nor There”, American Journalist Bill Bryson conveys how new experience in a life could smitten them, regardless of any environment. Bryson, who talks in first person point of view, appeals in a whimsical tone to individual who are seeking to face new things and love the environment. This article published in 1992, was published after Cold War and everyone was cautious to new challenges. Bryson primarily uses comparison between his experience of America and Luxembourg City,…
Bill Bryson, the author of A Walk in the Woods explores multiple different themes throughout the Novel and exaggerates his struggles as he and his former colleague make the treck through the Appalachian trail. Along the way, Bryson doesn’t hesitate in elaborately detailing the dangers of the 2,000 mile journey alongside his snickers-loving and incredibly flirtatious friend,Katz, who although is determined to finish the trail, can’t help but become side-tracked along the way. Early on we, as…
The Quiet American by Graham Greene Graham Greene’s fascinating novel The Quiet American is about two men who fall in love with the same women in Vietnam during the French and Indochina War. The protagonist, Thomas Fowler, and another English journalist, Alden Pyle, both shared a love for Phuong. The author of this novel, Graham Greene, wrote many stories that dealt with American and English involvement in foreign wars. Being born in Berkhamsted Hertfordshire, England, Graham suffered from…
The Art of Healing was performed by the Ailey Ⅱ company in the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, which started at 7:30pm on October 28th, 2016. The show started at 7;30 pm and lasted for about one an hour and a half. And it included three dances and two intermissions. The dances were Circular, Sketches of Flames, and Revelations. Circular and Sketches of flames are newly choreographed dances by Jae Man Joo and Bridget L. Moore respectively. While Revelations is was originally choreographed by…
In my research I was interested in the creative collaborations of Merce Cunningham. One could expect for a collaboration to be an intimate process between composers, designers, and choreographers and you could expect for Merce experience to be the same do to his exposure in Martha Graham’s company. In Martha Graham’s company, Cunningham was exposed to dance, sets, narrative and lighting being interdependent, but Cunningham decided to take the opposite approach in his work. He abandoned the…
On July 1, 1941, Twyla Tharp was born in the Portland, Indiana. She spent her early childhood in Indiana but later moved to California in 1963 and completed her degree in Art history in New York. Compared to other dancers, at a young age, she learnt quite a number of genres in the arts like ballet, tap, jazz, modern and music. When she was just a year and a half old she was already given piano lessons. Her first dance lesson was at the Vera Lynn School of Dance. During her dancing years, she had…
1. Who created the syllabus and why? a. The Vaganova syllabus was created by Russian dancer Agrippina Vaganova. b. She created this syllabus with her backgrounds in French, Italian, and Russian techniques, time spent at the Imperial Ballet School and years of experience. The syllabus was designed as a refined way of teaching and training. 2. Where did it begin? a. The syllabus began in Russia during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. The Vaganova Academy wasn’t always the Vaganova Academy; it…