Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is a children’s hospital at Memorial Regional located in Hollywood, Florida. It was renamed Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in 1992 becoming the first pediatric hospital in Broward County (Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, 2016). Named after Hall of Fame baseball player Joe DiMaggio whose mission was to create a facility with the idea that no child will be turned away because of their inability to pay (JDCH, 2016). Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is currently one of the leading pediatric hospitals in the region and is the only pediatric trauma center (Level 1) in South Broward County with a total of 204 beds (JDCH, 2016). The hospital has a Level 2 and 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with 84 beds (JDCH, 2016). Their Pediatric Intensive Care Unit has 22 beds with 12 beds for Intermediate Care (JDCH, 2016). The hospital also has a Medical and Surgical Unit with 86 beds and a Hematology…
The renowned fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast, originated from La Belle et la Bete; which was written by Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve, in 1740. In 1756, Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont, a French novelist, revised the fairy tale to shorten the length and be appropriate for children. In Madame’s original version of Beauty and the Beast, was drawn-out, being over 300 pages long. Jeanne made various changes to La Belle et la Bete; she took out the sexuality component and numerous…
In Anton Chekhov's 1904 play The Cherry Orchard, a Russian family who is used to a life of riches begin to experience the hardships of poverty. Due to an extreme amount of carelessness and selfishness, the mother of the estate Lyubov Andreevna Ranvskaya loses the funds that have been allowing her to keep her family in a comfortable position financially. Throughout the play, Chekhov uses many items to represent symbolism, such as the cherry orchard itself to represent the golden age of…
of their tribe was baptized as Christians. Joseph the Elder was the first Nez Perce to convert to Christianity. In 1855, he even helped George Washington's territorial governor set up a Nez Perce reservation that stretched from Oregon into Idaho. ("Chief Joseph" 1 Then in 1863, they found gold in the mines where the Nez Perce reservation was located. The U.S. government found out and took almost all the land they gave them. Then Joseph the Elder burned his American flag and bible.…
The Nez Perce language, alternatively called Nuumiipuutimt or Nuumiipuutímt, is classified as a Sahaptin language. It is located in Kamiah and Lapwai, Idaho which is on the Nez Perce Reservation. It is also spoken in the Colville Reservation in Washington using the Upriver dialect of this language as well as in the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon using the Downriver dialect. Nez Perce uses the Latin script to write in their language. According to a 2000 census, the Nez Perce language has an…
Oregon is familiar to my country, because “The Love from Oregon,” Japanese TV drama, was a smash hit. “The Love from Oregon” is a fiction that Japanese Americans grow their own food and exist on that in the wild nature and seek an uncomplicated happiness through their lives under primitive conditions. So when I heard a word Oregon, I pictured the prairie. It seemed to be too rich in nature for me to live. While I clicked several websites, I figured out that my pictures were wrong; real pictures…
The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem (BGCGS) is a nonprofit organization which provides children of all ages a safe and positive place where numerous programs enable the children to reach their fullest potential. BGCGS operates with a strong understanding of what children need in order to succeed. For instance, all programs and activities are created to foster key competencies essential for youth to succeed, such as educational, social, emotional, cultural, health and well-being, positive…
Physician-Assisted Suicide Introduction Assisted suicide has been a debated topic for many decades now. Oregon was the first state in the union to allow for a physician to write a lethal prescription to end a terminally ill patients life (Volker, 2007). Since that time four other states have followed suite with similar or their own versions of legislation that allows for this type of act. Outside the United States, seven countries allow for some level of physician-assisted suicide. Most of…
CROSS-BORDER SHOPPING FROM WASHINGTON STATE TO OREGON STATE Introduction Tax policy is one strategy that states have to increase their competitiveness. From the 50 states nationwide, only five states do not impose sales tax or have a 0% sales tax rate; they are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. Without sales tax, people can buy in these five states without spending extra money on tax and they can have extra ‘money’ for saving or spending on other goods. Compared to some other…
It is the year 2016, and the times are changing. People are improving past mistakes, and the ways they think. Open-mindedness has never been so prevalent, as well as having the ability to accept once demonized subjects. One would expect with such progression that has been made, one would also have the personal freedom to choose if they want to smoke cannabis. The potential positives for legal marijuana would branch to people who do not happen to partake, as the taxes put on recreational…