Blue-ringed octopus

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    The only animal on the planet that doesn’t make its own venom. The Blue-Ringed Octopus (BRO) or Hapalochlaena maculosa lives in tide pools and coral reefs. They can often be found in the south coast of Australia, from Western Australia to eastern Victoria. Over time natural selection picked the BROs that is the color closest to the color of their environment. This helps the octopi blend in with their environment and become harder to see. When relaxed the BRO is light beige, blending in with the environment, but it can change color to better fit its environment (Brandon Saavedra, The Blue Ringed Octopus, blue ringed octopus). This unique animal is also one the most venomous animals in the world. If the BRO feels threatened, its skin will expand…

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    • Blue-ringed octopuses usually appear as pale-brown in colour and can only be identified from different octopi from the bright blue rings. • The size of the octopus is around 15 cm at a maximum. • The blue ringed octopus is found in subtropical waters off eastern coast of Australia, south of the Great Barrier Reef around Bundy and back down towards New South Wales area. • The blue ringed octopus has a small beak which is located on the underside of the head that contains the poison in the…

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    Blue-Ringed Octopus The blue-ringed octopus, despite its small size, carries enough venom to kill twenty-six adult humans within minutes. Their bites are tiny and often painless, with many victims not realizing they have been envenomated until respiratory depression and paralysis start to set in. No blue-ringed octopus antivenom is available yet, making it one of the deadliest reef inhabitants in the ocean. Blue-ringed octopuses are one of the deadliest animals in the sea. Through their…

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    1 The blue-ringed octopus is one of the ocean’s most fascinating octopuses. There are four different types of blue-ringed octopuses confirmed. Instead of being divided by their sizes, they are divided and named by the distinctive patterns and amount of rings on their bodies. The four confirmed species are the southern blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa (found only in Australia), the greater blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena lunulata, the blue-lined octopus, Hapalochlaena fasciata,…

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    Squid Research Paper

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    Squid are said to be among the most intelligent invertebrates in the world. Their brain structure is different from other invertebrates in the ocean because they share complex features similar to the human brain. Squid are very smart and can be very curious about their environment, have the ability to learn new skills, and can develop the capacity to use tools that can either help them repress their boredom or protect themselves from harm (Squid-World Editors). Squid are thought to be among the…

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    Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

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    Your name: Matthew King Date: October 16, 2015 Your section: 001 1. Complete Classification: (ITIS: 2014 ) Common Name: Two-toed Amphiuma Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Order: Caudata Family: Amphiumidae Genus: Amphiuma Species (G. s.e.): Amphiuma means Species information 2a. Description and identification Family: The family Amphiumidae consists of three separate species of “eel” like animals separated by the number of toes that are present on the animal.…

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    Adorabilis Research Paper

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    The Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis was named for how adorably cute it was. Currently being studied at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute also known as MBari. Researchers have been collecting and studying these unidentified cephalopods since 1990. The Adorabilis is a rare species of octopus. The Adorabilis is a deep deep cephalopod. Found off the coast of LA during a deep sea dive by the Nautilus exploration. The Adorabilis lives in the deep sea at depths of up to 1,476ft (450m), this helps…

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    Grinding the herbs up together as she placed them into the bubbling potion. The potion turning blue. “Almost done.” Using the Nightborne techniques, she had extracted leyline energy. She let the ley energy float into the potion. When finished, the potion, shimmered. The water now white and purple. She capped the potion and put in the aging shelf. The shelf was chronologically altered. The potion rapidly aged as the unstable energies calmed down allowing it to be drinkable. Lilith pulled the Ley…

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    hundred different species, two that distinguish themselves from all the other species are the giant octopus and the giant squid. A misconception often made is that these two animals are the same and just have different names. While they both belong to the same class of Cephalopoda, they are in fact two completely different species both belonging to a different order (Wassilieff). While these animals both share similar characteristics, they also have a lot of distinct differences such as anatomy,…

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    connects together perfectly no matter what the object is transitioning into. Allen uses mainly a black marker in his drawing adding very little color though out the drawing to help make certain parts stand out more. Each drawing is very difficult to describe without saying the word “crazy” because there is a lot to one piece. In Live I there are a lot of animals and various faces with color placed in areas of small detail. He adds small red dots on an octopus and in various areas he adds grey…

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