At first glance, the fishkeeping hobby may not seem complex. It can be both fun and satisfying to own an aquarium for people of all ages, especially those that generally enjoy animals. However, aquariums are essentially small, delicate ecosystems. Beginners have the option to explore either freshwater or saltwater aquariums. Each type comes with its own benefits and downfalls, though many find replicating an ocean, as is the case with saltwater aquariums, to be significantly more difficult than emulating ponds or rivers. Experienced aquarists often claim beginners should always start with freshwater tanks, but this does not have to be the case. Before deciding to indulge in fishkeeping, it is important to analyze the cost, level of difficulty,…
In the island town of Friday Harbor, Washington, kids were selling jellyfish to Osamu Shimomura for a penny apiece. The kids were an eclectic mix of locals, summer people, and the offspring of the scientists who had occupied the waterfront, but the jellyfish in their buckets were pretty much alike—formless, colorless blobs about the size of mice. They were blind and brainless, possessing only mouths, muscles, and weak stingers, and one more thing, of enormous interest to Shimomura—rims of…
The Steinhart aquarium and the Monterey Bay Aquarium had very different approaches in presenting marine life to the public. The Steinhart aquarium often had open aquariums where visitors had to look down to see the marine life, while the Monterey Bay Aquarium more notably has large closed tanks in a dimly lit setting. I think the Steinhart aquarium seen at the California Academy of Sciences shows marine life as more apart of humanity because there is a lack of separation between the marine life…
Are you an aquarium owner, and in need of a professional service, to equip you with the best routine maintenance and cleaning? We are proud to offer great services that include weekly cleaning services, heaters, take filtration systems, and other products for your aquarium needs. We are proud to offer a variety of saltwater fish for your new aquarium. Whether you are looking for a beautiful seahorse to add to your take or ther exotic saltwater fish, we have the best selection for you to…
Saltwater aquariums can be quite exquisite, however, there is much to know before planning on setting up a saltwater aquarium in your home. There are many major factors that need to be taken into consideration before jumping into a long-term commitment with a saltwater aquarium of your own, such as tank size, decorations, and the different filtration systems, the many environmental factors that need to be monitored to guarantee a healthy habitat, the necessary lighting, the nitrogen cycle, and…
TFI Aquarium With over 120 fish tanks and pet cages in the shop TFI Aquarium and Pet Center was one of the bigger pet stores in the state of Iowa. TFI opened for business in April of 1972. The original address of the shop was on Broadway, but as the city of Altoona began to grow the address got changed to 8th St. SW Altoona in 1975. When TFI opened their were only 1500 people living in the Town. Due to TFI being one of the larger pet stores people who didn't even have the desire to go fishing…
Poecilia Libestes Reticulata is a fish commonly known as a Guppy. Guppies belong to the livebearer group meaning they give birth to free swimming fry instead of laying eggs. The Guppy originates from fresh and brackish waters in South and Central America, but can be found today in other parts of the world. Guppies have been deliberately set free in several Asian waters in an attempt to eliminate malaria by decreasing the number of mosquitoes. Guppies come in various shapes as well as colors. A…
3.1 Memorability The brand name of Barracuda is a simple and easily remember brand name represents the central theme of the product. The brand name easy to remember because the meaning of Barracuda is a type of fish and is known by people. Therefore, consumers will think of the product when they see the type of fish or they think of the fish. Thus, the brand name will easily stick in the mind of consumers. Besides that, Barracuda have their own website that is easily recall and search by…
Intro Recently there have been very many problems concerning animal cruelty, people have started tattooing and painting fish. People have been Tattooing/Painting fish since the 1980’s. As a quote from practicalfishkeeping’s interview on Alen Lee “sold about 20 of them in just a week.” This shows that the product is selling very well and the chances of being stopped are getting smaller with every fish sold. This practice isn’t just painful it can cause health risks and is practiced in different…
Working at the aquarium lab in Crab Cove requires agility and awareness. One misstep and swarms of fish are endangered inside. An average day involves maneuvering through a list of tasks in the course of two hours, so efficiency is necessary without making sloppy mistakes. My job includes administering water changes, feeding rehabilitating fish, documenting quality tests, and occasionally assisting in injections. Every week I carry a ten pound pump among an assortment of tanks, transferring old…