The Five Pillars of Islam help Muslims follow the religion called Islam. To truly be faithful in Islam, you must follow all five pillars. The first pillar is shahada, or faith. To be a faithful Muslim, you must confess your faith. The profession of faith goes like this,” There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.” Or if you want say it Arabic,” La ilaha illa Allah wa- Muhammad rasul Allah.” The religion Islam basically translates to the words “to submit to God.” A Muslim is also translated to “one who submits to God.” The second pillar of Islam is salat, or prayer. A faithful Muslim must pray for guidance five times per day. You must pray once at sunrise, once in the afternoon, once at sunset, and once in the evening. When praying…
loyalty and much more. Islam worshipers go by the Five Pillars to show their dedication of commitment of their part to the religion. Each of those pillars are five significant ways they worship and show faith. The first pillar is Shahadah also known as the creed. To be able to call yourself a muslim one has to truthfully say "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is his messenger." (Muck). This sort of statement is a confession of faith to the god and the prophet but the shahadah goes beyond…
What is the Hajj? A: Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. And Mecca being The most holiest city for muslims. Performing Hajj is one of the five pillars of islam, which includes Shahadah( Islamic creed belief that there's only one God), Salat( performing prayers) , Zakat(is form of Helping to the poor), and Sawm(fasting). Why is it important in Islam ? A: its designed to promote a gathering to form a bondage of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam. And it indicates that…
The Five pillars of Islam are important duties that Muslims have to do daily. The Five Pillars of Islam are the basic foundation of Islam, it center around God, and it also centers around the three prophets Muhammad, Abraham, and Ishmael. The pillars tell all Muslims that God is the only god to worship and Muhammad is his messenger. An important principle is that all things belong to God. The name of the five pillars are shahada, salat, zakat, sawm, and hajj. Each pillar has an important meaning…
apply to my daily life. Muslims believe five rules, called the Five Pillars of Islam. Even though I do not practice believing in the Five Pillars, the overall concepts can still apply to my life. The first, and the most important, Pillar of Islam is the confession of faith. The confession simply…
They are moral guidelines somewhat like the Ten Commandments, except they describe proper practices, instead of abstaining from wrongdoing. In the Islamic faith, the Five Pillars of Islam are a continuity of the Ten Commandments, this is obvious in the First Pillar, Shahadah or Creed. Shahadah means creed, it is a simple statement that declares “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger. “ This first pillar is the most important, therefore is it seen and repeated constantly all…
two men and four women discussing about their view on different types of religion. I don’t really pay much attention to their discussion not until I heard one of the women said that, the only things she knows about Islam is that, it is a terrorist religion while the rest of them also said they agree. Immediately I heard this statement, I just smile and nodded my head pitifully to their naiveness. B. Today, I have decided to inform you all about the basic perspective, many people do not know…
Community in the Islamic faith is deeply integrated into the religion. For Islam you must follow the five pillars of Islam, in which each pillar is a compulsory act. These five pillars of Islam revolve around ummah. Ummah is an Arabic word that means community. The pillars are the salat, sawm, zakat, hajj, and the shahada. Salat, the first pillar is for the prayers, in this religion prayers are performed 5 times a day. There are specific times that one must pray while praying everyone in the…
"The way of Islam? Within Islam itself, every Muslim, every believer, has to practice certain worship, some personal practices, and five prayers every day. Every male and female is expected to perform prayers five times a day. Also, we fast during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is a very important, highly spiritual practice that you can go through, along with prayers and devotions at night during the month. "We also emphasize that each believer earns for himself, for his own livelihood, and that…
Islam is an interesting religion in a multitude of ways. First, way this religion is interesting is that the founder of this religion is Muhammad. Muhammad, who was born in 570 A.D. at Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, was born into a noble family known for their honesty and upright character. Another thing about Muhammad is that he is a prophet, which to Islamic followers is believed to be the last prophet of Allah (Islamic word for God). The story of how Muhammad became a leader of a new religion that…