Flags of Our Fathers, directed by Clint Eastwood, is a film that is successful in portraying both a Native American and white soldiers as humans. Not only was Ira Hayes, a Pima Native American, one of the main characters, he was also a character with as much depth and humanity as his white counterparts. Although there are several moments of racial dialogues towards Ira from his superiors, it seems as though director Clint Eastwood is pointing to these scenes as flawed instead of simply leaving them as they are. Despite the heavy racist comments sprinkled throughout the film, the portrayal of Native Americans is progressive through the fact that they are depicted as humans, as they should have been before in films. One of the main reasons it seems as though Eastwood chose to include scenes with racist comments is because…
troops. The morning before your arrival you are prepared a gourmet meal and briefed on how the plan was expected to go down. 7:00 strikes and you are now being guided down to your tractors to make the rest of the way to your destination, your mind is going wild with thought but you do know one thing for sure: you are part of a team, a band of brothers, and prepared to pay the ultimate price for any of them. This was exactly the case for the thousands among thousands of Marines that showed…
Zach Green Mrs. Vermillion AP Language and Composition 28 March 2017 The Flags of Our Fathers The Flags of Our Fathers, by James Bradley, is a story of the men that raised the flag on top of Mount Sarubachi during the battle of Iwo Jima. The book talks about the pasts’ of each of the men who raised the flag. It also tells of the story of how one of the most iconic pictures of the war came into being. The book starts off with the author James Bradley looking into the past of his father. His…
Here in the book “Flags of Our Fathers”, there was three veterans who names were John Bradley, Ira Hayes, and Rene Gagnon. The three men fought for our country in the battle of Iwo Jima. They were alike and different in so many ways. During the battle, the three men were captured in a picture that was later one of the most famous photograph of all times. The men in action raised the American flag on Sulfur Island which is Iwo Jima. John Bradley was born in Antigo, Wisconsin in 1923. Bradley was…
Flags of Our Fathers depicts the lives of six servicemen beginning in their hometowns and ending with their deaths, three of which died in battle. The story follows the second flag raisers of Mount Suribachi, some of which were not even in the photo, but were made famous by a photograph taken of their backs as they stood the American Flag upright. In this book, James Bradley, the son of a flag raiser, defines a hero, identifies the exploitation of Ira Hayes, and documents difficulties they faced…
The plot of Flags of Our Fathers starts with the introductions of the soon to be flag raisers. Then tells of how the men joined the Marines and about their training. After their training, their first deployments were to the battles in the Pacific during WWII. The main battle being a gruesome and long battle on Iwo Jima. “History turned all it’s focus, for 1/400th of a second” to the battlefield as a picture was taken of the unimportant and insignificant event of the second flag raising on Mt.…
Flags of our Fathers portrays the gruesome battle of Iwo Jima, an island from the Pacific Ocean that is detrimental in order for America to defeat Japan. A photograph taken of 6 soldiers raising the American flag on the top mount Suribachi becomes a symbol of this war and highlight the politics behind the efforts of war. The movie is built on a series of back and forth between what happened on Iwo Kima, and what happens back home to the flag raisers. All through this movie, the three soldiers…
Flags of Our Fathers This book captures the difficult times during World War II aiming particularly at the Battle of Iwo Jima in Japan. Including six individuals whose lives have never cross were destined to freeze in-time together, forever in a photo op they never consented to. Taking pictures would be the last thing on their mind in the heat of battle. A Marine's mind processes various trains of thought, for example, where is my buddy, did he survive the mortar attack or is the next one gonna…
The storyline of the book is about James Bradley’s father ’s war experience. It is based on the memories of Iwo Jima and raising of the flag. After his father's death in 1994, James found a letter his father had written to his parents from Iwo Jima, calling the flag raising "the happiest moment" of his life. It is from the letter that James made the book “Flags of our Father.” In chapter two, James wrote about each one of the flag raisers and their stories. One of them is John Bradley,…
Flags of our fathers John Bradley a quiet man that didn't worry about much at all from a small Wisconsin town ,Franklin Sousley, farming man from eastern Kentucky wasn’t afraid of anyone is a fun loving person,Harlon Block athletic young man a free spirit,Ira Hayes from gila river indian reservation a Pima Indian was very quiet and always displayed a keen mind,Rene Gagnon from Manchester the only child from his family has handsome good looks and almost always the center of attention ,Mike Strank…