Flags of our fathers John Bradley a quiet man that didn't worry about much at all from a small Wisconsin town ,Franklin Sousley, farming man from eastern Kentucky wasn’t afraid of anyone is a fun loving person,Harlon Block athletic young man a free spirit,Ira Hayes from gila river indian reservation a Pima Indian was very quiet and always displayed a keen mind,Rene Gagnon from Manchester the only child from his family has handsome good looks and almost always the center of attention ,Mike Strank the oldest of all the flag raisers the “old man” was a larger than life hero a marine’s marine.All different men from different backgrounds in the army based on different reasons remembered for one thing the flag raising of Iwo Jima and the fight for there country. The heroes of the battle in Iwo Jima was the soldiers that didn't come back.Heroes are misunderstood by society because sometimes they are thought of as the people that helped something or someone that is on the newspaper telling there heroic story of what they did.When really they were just there and where doing nothing.But heroes are people that have risked something to help other people out making it a situation to remember.”Its…
the island of Iwo Jima in order to fight the Japanese during World War II. Five days later, four marines and a navy corpsman were pictured raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi. The photo “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” was a part of a war-bond poster, and even on a postage stamps. (“Joe…”, 1) It can be said that the flag raising is one of the most recognizable photos from American history, and for good reason. This photo shows deep emotion through main aspects of the image: the soldiers…
The Flag Raising on Iwo Jima photograph, captured by Joe Rosenthal in 1945, was taken on top of Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima. Joe Rosenthal, employed by The Associated Press, was an American photographer. He worked with the Newspaper Enterprise Association and soon after, he became a reporter and photographer for the San Francisco News. Joe Rosenthal wanted to join the United States Army or Navy but was rejected, due to his poor eyesight. Instead, he joined the U.S. Maritime…
start my image analysis with the picture called “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” by Joe Rosenthal, 1945. I feel that this image shows that even in a time of war American soldiers stood together to put up the flag of the United States of America. Our flag is being lifted to what seems to be about 5 men they have taken time out of their battle to lift the flag. Around these men it seems to be a wreckage around them maybe this area was bombed and everything came down as well as the flag. I feel that…
RAISING THE FLAG ON IWO JIMA Every picture has a purpose. Many pictures are worth a thousand word. A picture can be whatever someone or someone’s wants. Some picture may describe someone 's mood or how the person is feeling. Anybody can take a picture old or young. A picture can tell a story. Picture helps create memories, which can either be good or bad. I think that a picture is being taken every second somewhere in the world. A picture can travel with someone wherever he or she goes, it…
have a greater impact than the plan pictures. The image of the Raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima was an image taken for history. Joe Rosenthal did not know the effect this picture was going to cause the people of his home nation. He was just there to do his job. When glancing at the Raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima, the flag stands out. It is leaned back and a diagonal position that contrast the forward march of the soldiers. Looking more closely at the picture,…
Abdulaziz Almurad JOUR 250 Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima: A Critical Analysis Inventory: On Mount Suribachi, as the Americans were fighting against the Japanese during World War II, a group of American military men are raising the American flag. The Marines seem to be struggling to raise the flag as their bodies are tight, rigid, and muscular, and they look to be putting in all of their strength and energy in order to make sure that the flag is firmly entrenched in the high mound of debris –…
Flag Raising on Iwo Jima. World War II will always be a huge part of American history. The battle of Iwo Jima is one of the many bloody battles American soldiers had to fight. The battle of Iwo Jima unfortunately claimed the lives of 6,800 American soldiers and wounded 20,000. The plan was to take over the island of Iwo Jima as quickly as possible to use it as an air base. Luckily, on only the fifth day of the battle, the United States Marines captured Mount Suribachi. The iconic photo of the…
It is said "a picture is worth a thousand words," “Uncommon Valor, Common Virtue” with a collection of photographs about Iwo Jima provide a critical understanding of battle during World War II and the sacrifices made by those involved. Joe Rosenthal is the photographer that is the main focus of the book. He began working for the Associated Press around the time America became involved in World War II. Which branched into his war photography, most importantly the photography he did on Iwo Jima. …
lifetime. They have seen it maybe even touched it but never dug into the meaning behind it. They never dug into the truth about it, or the battle. Common people have never dug into the truths behind that sight. This Movie about the raising of the flag shows much more about how the battle of Iwo Jima played out. Flag for Our Fathers is a movie that is based upon three men that helped to raise the United States Flag over Iwo Jima. The plot of this movie was very moving and genuine. These three…