Essay On Flag Raising Iwo Jima

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Flag Raising on Iwo Jima.
World War II will always be a huge part of American history. The battle of Iwo Jima is one of the many bloody battles American soldiers had to fight. The battle of Iwo Jima unfortunately claimed the lives of 6,800 American soldiers and wounded 20,000. The plan was to take over the island of Iwo Jima as quickly as possible to use it as an air base. Luckily, on only the fifth day of the battle, the United States Marines captured Mount Suribachi. The iconic photo of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima was located on Mount Suribachi, which was the highest point on the island. The photo was captured by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal, on February 23rd, 1945. Rosenthal later received a Pulitzer Prize for capturing one of the most memorable victories for the United States. Unfortunately, Rosenthal captured what was now the second flag to be raised over Mount Suribachi. Shortly after the first flag was raised, the commander
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When he returned home after the battle of Iwo Jima, he came home to no water and no home. It seems like the military does not take care of their men once they return home. Nobody there to help them cope with the traumas they experienced at war. Many men become drug addicts, homeless, or alcoholics. Ira Hayes became an alcoholic, a drunk as Johnny Cash would say. He was in and out of jail. Johnny Cash stated that Ira Hayes was drunk and died in a ditch. In my research, it did not give information about the lives of the men after the war. It said that they were honorable men. People treated them like heroes. It never went into depth about the hardships the soldiers faced after returning home. Many suffer from PTSD. The only thing that Johnny Cash’s song and my research have in common is that both stated that Ira Hayes enlisted in the war in honor of his Reservation, for his

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