Heroism In Flags Of Our Fathers By James Bradley

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War- glorified, deemed necessary, and plastered with the image of heroism. Medals, ceremonies, and positions give war and battle and prestigious image. But, in the book Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley, the true inhumanities and unnecessary acts of war are shown through the characters’ first-hand accounts and perspectives on battle. The book highlights one of the most prestigious battles in American history, the battle of Iwo Jima. Most did not know what this tiny one square mile island was before the battle and war had started, but after an infamous photo capturing the image of six men hoisting up the American flag, everyone knew of the sulfur mass. One of the themes that most likely wasn’t meant to be shown is that although thought of as necessary, glory-filled, and brave, war is inhumane and unnecessary. Many of the soldiers who fought on Iwo Jima gave their experiences and opinions on their horrible encounter with the “enemy”. Battle pits human against human, something which makes no sense. A particular line stated by flag-raiser Corporal Rene …show more content…
military had an age requirement of 18 years old to join, with 17 years requiring a parent’s consent. This is way too young, and as shown on page 245 in an Again and Again, the author constantly brings up how hard it was to get over killing people. One instance of this being brought up was when Donald Howell was taking part in securing the island, and afterward he stated that “[after killing a large sum of Japanese soldiers] I got sick to my stomach; I vomited; I was a mess for an hour and a half.” This illustrates how greatly the inhumanities of death and killing impact Howell, as he is greatly sickened by his interaction with the enemy. I feel that the unpleasant effects of war were constantly brought up to show people how much soldiers are impacted, as it takes away an immaturity and innocence in any combatant. Sadly, patriotism and praise encourage young souls to participate in these horrendous

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