John Bradley was born in Antigo, Wisconsin in 1923. Bradley was a very friendly man with a ready smile. Bradley was recognized the photo by his family members. According to Flags of our fathers, Bradley didn't not want to be recognized in the photo because he didn't want the fame. When interviewed , he would tell reporters that it wasn’t him in the photograph. He didn't want to be labeled as a hero. One of the main reasons to why Bradley didn't want to be known is because Bradley thought that people would look at him as a hero. He didn't want to seek the fame that tags along with the tittle of being a “hero”. He he thought “ Heros are heroes because they have risked something to help others”. The planting of the flag didn't imply that action so he didn't think that he was a hero. The photo didn't help Bradley because it only made him think about the war. Bradley kept to himself regarding …show more content…
Ira displayed a keen mind and an impressive grasp of the english language Ira was enlisted in the Marines when he was nineteen His community sent him off to war with a traditional Pima ceremony. Ira just as well as Bradley was a good leader. Even though his family disliked the war he still fought for our country. “The Pima disliked war and all its brutality, but in the this instance, the elders agreed, it was necessary.” After Iwo Jima just like John Bradley, Ira didn't want the fame that was followed by the photograph. Later on in life Ira became a drunk and died young on October 12, 1929 at the age of