They all had different personalities, but worked together in such a way that all of the baritone players they had authority over respected them. When I became an upperclassman in the band and had other beginning learners start looking to me for support, I found that I could call upon the lessons I learned from their teaching and the way they interacted with us to find inspiration on how to become a leader that was respected the same way. Over time and through experiences of my own, I have found that I actually enjoy teaching others and seeing them grow as players and people from the lessons they learn from me and the other band leaders who have a responsibility to make the band what it is and achieve…
passion I put in every aspect of my life, especially teaching. "It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind," stated by T.S. Elliot. Everything I do, I do with purpose. I put my whole heart into it. Anything with my name on, I do to the best of my ability. Color guard, marching band, student council, knight mentors, YMCA Teen on Board, French horn player, track & field and cadet guard are all…
Introduction The modern French horn has seen numerous developmental stages over centuries of evolution. Each stage of the development of the French horn expanded the musical potential of the instrument and provided composers with the opportunities to experiment with new musical possibilities. As the technologies of the horn expanded, becoming more complex and sophisticated, compositions for the French horn followed suit. The research question that this discussion focuses around is "How have…
assisting in recognition at night, an alternative way to obtain might be through the use of the horn itself. The authors hypothesized that the “density of sensory hairs (and sensitivity) would correspond with the regions of the horns that are used most in both precombat assessment and actual combat” and “that hair density would increase distally along the length of the horn, and to be more abundant on the anterior of the horn” (paper). Basically, the authors are stating that the parts of the…
The Boston Symphony Orchestra performs Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat Minor, Op. 23 by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky with Seiji Ozawa conducting and Egveny Kissin as the piano soloist. The instruments called for in this piece of music are two flutes, two oboes, two clarinets in B-flat, two bassoons, four horns in F, two trumpets in F, three trombones (two tenor, one bass), timpani, solo piano, and strings. MOVEMENT 1 EXPOSITION 1:04—2:00 French horns are forte for three notes, then what sounds like…
So you have decided you want a drinking horn, and even better, you have decided to make your own. The Gods smile upon you for your Self Reliance and Industriousness! Selecting a Suitable Horn: There are many things to consider when selecting the perfect drinking horn for yourself. Do not be afraid of being picky about it either. It is YOUR drinking horn and it should be the horn you 've always wanted. Don 't just settle, persevere in your search. First of all, what kind of drinking horn…
Once in some days, unknown as past, present, nor future, a Moonflower Ivy grew to the sky. In the dark air, winged creatures with blood red skin and some creatures that were bare, with nothing but black feathers flew about. The red beings flew in one direction and the black beings in the other. The Gods above cried with grey tears that turned the blue moon to stone. During the lunar cycle on only one night, the two races battled fiercely with great force. The red, bat-like creatures followed one…
21I kept looking, and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them 22until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom. 23"Thus he said: 'The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. 24As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings…
The first French horn was invented in July of 1814 by Heinrich Stoelzel. The original design was based on early fox hunting horns, and were first used as instruments during 16th century operas. During the 17th century, the bell was expanded and flared, thus creating the French Horn. As hunting grew more popular among the wealthy, the French Horn was experimented on with shape and size to try to accomplish a larger range of notes. In 1636, Marin Mersenne wrote of four different types of French…
On April 21st, 2017, I went to the concert hold by Nocturne- a two years old club in Denver, and the Keith Oxman Quartet did a remarkable concert that night. The Keith Oxman Quartet is a Jazz band lead by Keith Oxman on tenor saxophone, and has Derek Banach on trumpet, Todd Reid on drums, and Jeff Jenkins on organ. Additionally, Jenkins was playing keyboard on April 21st. The Keith Oxman Quartet plays at Nocturne every Friday night between March 10th and April 28th. On last Friday evening, the…