accurate and definite conclusion. It is predicted that if the barley seeds were to germinate in a solution with an Aquasol concentration that is significantly higher than those tested in this experiment, that the plant would eventually stop growing, and wilt. This is because even though the essential nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and trace elements are important for effective plant growth, excess levels of these nutrients can kill the plant by burning it’s roots, and thus, reducing it’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. APPLICATION: Based on the results obtained from this experiment, it is recommended that farmers, horticulturalists, and home gardeners who plan to germinate and grow barley seeds should not create a damp condition. This is because, as shown through the experiment, damp environments attract millipedes. Millipedes have the tendency to feed on seeds and seedling roots, and hence, can kill and/or stop the plant growth, a factor that is not beneficial to farmers, horticulturalists, and home gardeners who intend to grow barley. It would also be recommended that farmers, horticulturalists, and home gardeners growing barley seeds use Aquasol as a fertiliser, as shown in the experiment, the growth of barley when using Aquasol is fairly quick. Using the results obtained in this experiment, it would also be recommended that farmers, horticulturalists, and home gardeners growing barley use an Aquasol concentration between 0.30% and 0.50%. This…
The barley ( Hordeum vulgare) quickly and cold culture or fed with crops increase quality of the cover soil. Barley factory is many critical functions. Barley seed is relatively inexpensive and available. The ancient civilization the important serial Barley also among the people working classes of Europe was an important food grain In the late 19th century, wheat, rye, oats and other grain to power supply of barley instead of rich .The health of workers athletes and barley body strength as a…
Methods 1. Treatment of barley with endophyte. • Five types of Barley were treated with the endophyte Pseudomonas fluorescens L321. • They were innoculated with the seed coating mixture ( 4% sodium alginate and 1% skimmed milk powder) without the bacteria. The bacteria were grown up overnight in LB broth supplemented with 3% trehalose (400ml per strain) , centrifuged and then added and then resuspended in the coating mixture. • 30ml of inoculant mixture was then added to 1kg of seed in a…
Twenty Korean barley cultivars (Geongang, Gwangan, Nackyoung, Dahyang, Daejin, Saegang, Boanchal, Keunal, Saessal, Saechalssal, Sujung, and Boanchalssal) were selected in this research. All the cultivars were developed by the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA), Korea and were grown during 2013 in the experimental fields of the NICS, Milyang, Gyeongnam. After harvesting, barley leaves were immediately washed with clean sterile water and then…
Barley, Lisa. “Rescue Me: Animal Adoption Dos and Don’ts.” Vegetarian Times, Dec. 2014, pp. 48+. General OneFile,¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA391308694&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=&prodId=AONE&contentSet=GALE%7CA391308694&searchId=R1&userGroupName=lincclin_phcc&inPS=true. Accessed 19 Sept. 2017. The author of this article, Lisa Barley, begins by…
The author of this article, Lisa Barley, begins by saying how rewarding it is to share one’s home with a pet and its many positive benefits. Barley then goes and explains the do’s and don’ts of what people should consider before getting a pet. She details deeply to future pet owners the considerations they must take in advance of making the decision to adopt a pet. She explains that pets are a huge responsibility because they require care, feeding, exercise, grooming, and health. She also…
The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006) director Ken Loach has repeatedly admitted that The Battle of Algiers (1966) has had a large influence on his own filmmaking career. In Martin Evan’s interview with Ken Loach about the Gillo Pontecorvo film, Evans says “[Loach’s] film-making is committed to a realist style; one that strives to give a voice to ordinary people and their daily lives.” The Pontecorvo film as an early example of postcolonial film is a good place to start when looking at The Wind…
Ida B. Wells-Barnett is sitting in her train seat, reading a book as the conductor of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company stomps up to her Train Conductor: Ma’am you have to move to the smoking car Ida B. Wells-Barnett: Excuse me? Train Conductor: You must relocate at the smoking car Ida B. Wells-Barnett: Why? I have done nothing wrong, I paid for my ticket, you can see my stub if you’d like. Ida pulls out her ticket stub and holds it in front of the conductor With a disgusted face, the…
I always hear people raving about eating whole grains and I never fully understood why until I researched Barley. Barley is well known for being a main ingredient in beer but not many people know it is a big staple not only in diet but in culture. Barley has been cultivated for over 8000 years and can be traced back to the Aztec culture. According to research the term “hordearii” means barley-eater. Aztec gladiators were referred to as hordeariis. Also, before we came up with the measurement…
Quinoa and barley are both grain, the two are considered the healthiest options of grains. The two grains are very useful to man-kind! They are used for multiple aspects of life, though they vary in specifics. The two are very similar, but when juxtaposed, the differences are extraordinary! The two grains origins are very interesting regarding it's history. Quinoa, pronounced “keen-wah”, originates from areas surrounding Lake Titicaca such as Peru, Columbia and Boliva! It was first used for…