4-H Exhibit Goal Sheet Name: Hailey Kube Project Area: Visual Arts Club: Ellis Jackson Ag Stars Class: Number: 10305 Grade: 8th Number of years in Project: 3 1. What did you plan to learn or do? (What was your exhibit goal?) My goal was to find a painting I liked and make it my own. I also wanted to improve my shading skills. 2. What steps did you take to learn or do this? I went to a workshop. At that workshop we talked about copyright 101. Afterwards we got to paint a picture. The material was provided. I used a canvas that was an 8X10. I found a picture that I liked. I lightly drew it out. I got my paint and started painting. The background was pink. I changed it to blue so I wasn’t copyrighting. The first color was a blue, but I didn’t have to add and whites to change. Next, I mixed a little white with a lot of blue to make it a little lighter color blue. Next, I painted the next strip a little light blue by adding white. For the next strip I added even more white to make it an even lighter color of blue. Then I drew the white horizon line and the sun. Then I drew the ocean by doing the opposite for white for the sky. Next, I mixed a light blue and painted that strip. Next, I made the next strip darker by adding a little blue to it. The next I strip I painted I added even more blue to make it darker then I painted the last strip by adding a little bit more blue. Then I mixed green and black to het a dark green for the…
Life & Death Through elaborate carving, casting, painting, and other technical processes, artists can ingeniously turn dead stone, metal, or plaster into vivid human-looking sculptures. George Segal’s Blue Women In a Black Chair, which was made in 1981, is a typical painted sculpture that reflects the core of human emotions. The Untitled large man accomplished by Tom Claassen in 1999, likewise, is another excellent reflective sculpture. Although these two are both outstanding pieces mirroring…
implementation of marketing that will help the band, Azure Light, establish a marketing footprint and gain exposure in the Midwest, primarily in the Twin Cities Area. This plan features the hiring of a manager, the use of a variety of social media outlets, and a local tour to promote their new EP, The Gate. Objectives Azure Light is in its first year of operation. They wish to accomplish the following goals in the next year. I. Record a 10 track album II. Be featured in at least one…
unreliable narrator, Azure in Thirteen Cents, is too question whether not having an unreliable narration, would the novel’s message with the effect of magical realism still be as effective. With the novel being written in first person (character-narrator) and in present tense, a style which is not seen as conventional and efficient. Not seen as the normative structure of a novel. The novel is a magical realist novel; having elements of both realism more evident in the beginning of the novel and…
K. Sello Duiker, author of ‘Thirteen Cents’, initiative behind Azure, the unreliable narrator, is effective in a genre such as magical realism. Azure experiences throughout the novel are unpredictable and are immediate (present tense) and not predetermined, that which has already happened. The unreliable narrator brings vital importance to the narration for the unreliability due to the absence of fact, which aids in the reader to express self-interpretation instead of definite closure. An…
database, web, and email servers. It additionally spells out the conduct of the application in specific circumstances, such as the course of action to take when an unhandled exception occurs. 3.1.8. Connecting Database, Website to a cloud SQL Azure…
Selene and her twin brother Azure were born literally once in a blue moon. Born to Procellar and Novum Bishop in the kingdom of Mistral, the two had a good life. Their father made plenty of money working at an office job, and they played with their mother all the time. Many a night were spent trying to stay up waiting for dad, only to fall asleep. To anyone, they seemed like the perfect happy family. In fact, they were. When the children succeeded in not falling asleep until their father came…
phenomenon. The most immediate and conspicuous distinction is that Marnus witnesses his father assault his best friend, Frikkie, while Azure usually, but not always, consents to being the object of penetration. In the novel’s climactic resolution, Marnus watches as “Frikkie l[ies] on his stomach,” with a pillow pressed against his head, as “the General is bent forward over him [Frikkie],” with pyjama-pants on the floor but “still wearing his pyjama-top,” (Behr 176). Retrospectively, the reader…
Table 1 depicts the Velocity of DCIP being reduced by SDH. Table 2 shows a comparison between SDH assay and the images perceived from the microscopy. When looking at table 2, it was seen that Nuclei and mitochondria were only located in the filtrate. S1 contained mostly mitochondria, while P1 contained mostly mitochondria. S2 had some mitochondria while P2 had a majority of mitochondria. When looking at the Azure control column, you can see that the blue color sis not appear in S2 and P2 due to…
you as my apprentice for no reason, and I certainly didn’t decide to train you because the Operatives forced me to. I saw potential in you, and I followed that instinct to teach you everything I knew. Look at where you are now.” Her mentor pulled back slightly to emphasize the sentence with her arms. “With your determination of overcoming any hardship, you are considered one of the most deadly warriors in the league. So that’s enough with the pessimism. Am I clear?” It took a few seconds to…