my research, the question that I wanted to answer is, Has the breaking subculture has been absorbed into mainstream culture? I thought about this question when considering if the fact that hip hop’s popularity might have affected this subset of the subculture. I also thought this question was very important for the continuation as well as the preservation of the b-boy subculture. That’s why I found fieldwork to be so imperative to my study of such a hidden subculture. I felt that I needed to know how does one get into this culture? where does one go to participate? does this subculture still have events? what type of people usually are successful at b-boying, do the members know the history of their subculture? has the subculture…
n the Andy Griffith show, Opie Taylor was getting bullied. He always walked down the street and had a nickel for milk at lunch. He would go around a corner and there would be this little boy that always stopped Opie. He would ask him if he had his nickle. Opie was scared and didn't know what to do and always gave this kid a nickel. One day Opie asked this boy “what if I don't give you my nickel?” the little boy replied with his fist in Opie face “I'll give you a knuckle sandwich.” So once again…
Why should girls and boys be on the same sports team? Why I think boys and girls should play on the same sports team? think that boys and girls should play on the same sports team. I think that it would give a variety of different kinds of sports players on the same team no matter what gender they are.Just because girls aren’t as strong as boys are ,or as fast as they are they can still do the same thing even if they are different.Girls can do the same thing boys can do! …
her shoulder. Just as she opens her mouth to shout more taunting jeers, a loud thump resounds behind her. Curiously, Abigail turns around to investigate what the noise is and gasps. "Louis!" She squawks, running over to Louis' crumpled body on the ground. Elliot stops as well and questioningly gazes at his sister before his eyes widen. "What happened?!" He yells, sprinting over to the both of them. Abigail pulls Louis into her arms. "I-I don't know! He's breathing really hard!" She reports…
Girls Should be allowed to play on boys sports team Did you know that 76.3 percent of girls age 9-12 cited “fun’’ as the primary reason to be physically active? We, the girls are allowed to play in boys sports team, too. I mean I know that it could be dangerous for some girls but, if you want to play then go for it. I am in favor that girls should be allowed to play in sports team. These are my three reasons:everyone should have a opportunity to take advantage of every educational…
commercial advertising of boy and girl’s toys; girl’s commercials played soft musical tune, while boy’s toy commercials had more of a rock and roll musical tune. Furthermore, the media enforced general roles to the viewers by only including males in boy’s toy commercials and females in girl’s toy commercials. The settings for boy’s toy commercials were usually outside and consisted of darker colors. In addition, they included toy weapons and/or action figures (males with large muscles) that…
The first location observed was at Westgate in Glendale, Arizona at 3:30 in the afternoon. Many families were in attendance, but I chose to focus on a family of four: mother, father, son and daughter. The female child was around two and a half years old, and her little brother was about 12 months old. Both of the children were dressed in stereotypical gendered clothing. The little girl had on black tights, a leopard print sweat shirt, and boots, while the little boy was in jeans, a navy jacket,…
others that break people down and try to make them “perfect” or try to make the people live in fear like the Taliban’s laws. (BS-1) The Taliban have taken away almost all of women’s freedom, restricting them to either stay in the house or go out only in the accompany of a close male relative. (BS-2) Women also have no access to education, although boys don’t have the best education either. (BS-3) Harsh punishments have led to the abuse and mistreatment of women who are living under the…
Jose’s Great Dilemma Literary thesis statement: In “The Challenge”, Gary Soto introduces Jose as a young boy who experiences a change in his rite of passage in his personality as he undergoes liminality. I. Prior to liminality, Jose is a teenager boy who is ingenuous and has a lack of experience to loving a girl. A. Jose is naïve because he thinks that receiving perfect test scores will make Estela notice him. 1. “But when the quizzes had been returned and Jose bragged, ‘Another A-plus,’…
Girls have came up from low levels to have what they want and they have fought for what they want as well; so it would only be right to give girls the opportunity to play on boy sports if they want. Playing on boy sports might benefit the boys more than the girls and may even better a team that girls may play on whether its football, rugby, hockey and so forth. Girls playing on boy sports team affects not only the girl but the boys, the team, and the parent of the girl trying to fight for the…