The article “Assault Weapons” (2016) discusses the idea of whether or not the states should implement restricting access to assault weapons. For example, supporters believe restricting access could prevent lives being lost. Additionally, supporters feel as if civilians have no real reason for owning assault weapons. However, opponents believe creating this new law violates the right of the second amendment. Furthermore, opponents believe assault weapons were not used for most shooting deaths therefore there is no need for them to be removed. Finally, this article informs the public of the growing controversy of whether or not restricting access to assault weapons should be passed as a new law. In society today, civilians have been turning to violence and weapons as a resolution for their problems or certain situation. What others have yet to realize is that the real start to a problem is a person’s mental state. Although one may seem sane on the outside no one truly knows what is going on…
A New “Assault Weapon” Ban? Crash! It’s 3 am and Steve’s front door just got kicked in by a pair of men with illegal guns. He runs over to his closet to grab his gun. Then he remembers that just last week the police came and confiscated it. They said a new law had been passed banning AR-15’s. Steve calls the police. When they get there 10 minutes later, they find Steve’s families’ dead bodies and his house ransacked for anything of value. If only he had his gun. Guns have been around since…
America is caught up in an important war and the problem is that very few people realize this fact. The war in which I am referring is whether or not to ban assault weapons. Now I’m not proposing a complete ban on all guns as that would be a violation of the 2nd Amendment which we will examine later. However, as we will see in the examples highlighted below, assault weapons are not normal guns and consequently I believe that they must be banned from civilian use. What are the problems? Let’s…
Imagine students cowering in fear at the sight of a crazed gunman, teachers contemplating putting their lives on the line for the safety of their students. Imagine the stolid stare of someone, fueled by insanity, unable and unwilling to differentiate right from wrong. Gun ownership should be tightly controlled because they are dangerous weapons, assault weapons are unnecessary, and more guns doesn’t always equal more safety. First, people argue that guns are wholesome tools used for sport. This…
There are a great deal of people that think assault weapons should be banned, solely on the believe that the firearm has an increased risk of being used for mass shooting, Or because they are the same as a machine gun. Opposed to the believes of many they are not. The assault weapons that are available to the public are semi automatic an only fire one shot per pull of the trigger. Assault weapons are not more powerful, they do not shoot more bullets, nor do they have a increased rate of fire.…
A 2014 article written by Lois Beckett, discusses the controversial issue of banning assault weapons/military-style weapons. One the one hand some argue “that big, scary military rifles don’t kill the vast majority of the 11,000 Americans murdered with guns each year. Little ones do” (Beckett). On the other hand, however others argue that they do and that the weapons need to be banned. According to Beckett Bill Clintons ban on the manufacturing of assault rifles in 1994 showed little change in…
people’s access to assault weapons and limit magazine sizes? This question has divided the nation. The Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 banned large capacity magazines and assault weapons. Then in 2004 the ban was lifted and never renewed. Now Americans are wondering if it should be renewed after many mass shootings like in Newtown, Connecticut. According to the FBI, more people in America are murdered every year by weapons such as knives, personal weapons and blunt objects than assault rifles.…
Assault weapons are very powerful and dangerous weapons; therefore, the government should ban the use of assault weapons to protect their citizens. In today’s society, it is very easy to get access to guns. In California, obtaining a gun license is very easy: any twenty one years old and up legal resident can apply for a gun license. The requirements are: pass the written gun safety test, pass the background check, pay a small fee and present a valid ID. If they fulfill all the requirements,…
Should assault weapons be illegal? In the past years, guns have come under scrutiny and as a result, legislation has been passed restricting their use. The prevalence of mass shootings has added fuel to the flames and has motivated many legislators, mostly from the Democratic party, to advocate for the banning of assault weapons. The use of semi-automatic guns should be illegal in the United States because they are unsafe and useless for citizens. If semi-automatic weapons were made illegal,…
SHOULD PERSONAL OWNERSHIP OF ASSAULT WEAPONS BE BANNED? Do you own a personal Rifle?. I feel that personal rifles should be banned by the government and no longer be sold to anyone. Personal ownership of assault weapons can be dangerous when placed in the wrong hands. They should also be banned because it’s increases day by day spreading like a disease across the world. Crime rates are increasing rather decreasing due to the spread of personal assault weapons. Firstly, personal…