Apuleius’ The Golden Ass and Juvenal’s Satires 3 and 4 use black humour as a leeway to express the seriousness of the situation through humiliation and dramatization in order to keep the audience entertained. Humour, especially black humour, which often involves a taste for the macabre, is used to make light of something that is considered serious or taboo. In The Golden Ass, black humour is used to illustrate Lucius’ trial where he is made a ridicule of in front of Hypata’s citizens for the festival of laughter enabling the audience to sympathize with him. Lamachus the bandit’s hand getting cut off in The Golden Ass is ironically humorous due to his intentions of robbery. In Juvenal’s Satires 3 and 4, Umbricius uses dramatization to ridicule…
All you could hear was his mother expressing her frustration, “How the hell he expect me to take him to the mall and I gotta spend money the whole time you all are here on the trip, Michael. SHIT! I should have left his ungrateful ass in West Helena if I knew it was gonna be a problem soon y’all got here.” While this was happening I remember the time me and my pops got into an argument about soon I made it to his house one summer. So I was on my way to his house one summer and he told me over…
isn't helping anyone. This is a shit excuse of a health promotion page. And to all of the people who are saying 'Instagram isn't for kids of u got offended delete the fucking app u stupid fucks' (that's word to word), my first point is, please attend some English classes. I may not be the most accurate person on Instagram but please don't make 'you' into 'u' because it really doesn't show how much you care about you're opinions and what you're trying to say. Maybe use autocorrect (even if it…
Patrick Lewis Professor Zajkowski 5/6/2016 Historical Review of: The Golden Ass The novel The Golden Ass is the only surviving novel in its entirety from the Roman empire. The book was published in the second century CE and has survived since then. This book can be used as a primary source to inform the readers about the life and situations of the Roman empire. This is because the book was written during those times. The Golden Ass has many themes that you see while reading. One of the…
Essentially, the term self is how one perceives themselves. Over the years, the meaning of self has been debated amongst ancient philosophers such as Lucretius and Apuleius. Some say self is the innermost sense of a person, some say self represents one’s relationship with others and some say that the self is in fact and illusion. In the ancient Hellenistic period, self have been presented in the poem “De Rerum Natura” by Lucretius, as well as the novel “the Golden Ass” by Apuleius. Additionally,…
Apuleius’ The Golden Ass is the only surviving novel of the second century Roman Empire. The Golden Ass can be interpreted to having many themes. In Apuleius’s Metamorphoses; politics, religion, and violence are conjoined, but can be analyzed into their own characteristics. Regardless of the novel being fiction, Apuleius purposely injects stories with meaning to be extracted for different understandings. These stories were written with comedic purposes to emphasize how often the crimes,…
I will be covering the various ways that magic, astrology and women play a significant role in ancient Roman culture using the novel, The Golden Ass to further develop my thesis. In the ancient Roman novel by Apuleius, is compiled of eleven short stories, each playing a significant role for Lucius own tale, as well as affecting both positively and negatively his journey. By covering such topics as magic, astrology and women I will be looking at the various ways that The Golden Ass depicts these…
Houston Museum of African American Culture was a place that collects, conserves, interprets and exhibit the material and intellectual culture of African Americans and Africans in Houston. The current exhibit named Bad Ass Art Man presents by artist Danny Simmons alongside art by some of the most prominent African American contemporary and traditional African art. Danny Simon is not only a painter but also a collector as well. With his prized collection of African art, he started to pursue his…
Ancient Rome has been depicted in various fashions by Roman authors, whose literature may vary from telling fictional tales to chronicling factual history, but in some way share a part of the Roman culture. One recurring aspect of their culture in Roman literature is unequal treatment according to gender, as women are consistently regarded and treated as an inferior people. (Topic) Both in ancient works of literature and modern studies of the Roman Empire, (Argument) the culture can be described…
General Curtis LeMay: “Iron Ass” Grenade The Second World War held the developments as well as progress in technology that came as a result of the lessons learned in the First World War. However, the area with the most improvement was in the effectiveness of airpower. Airpower had previously been used for reconnaissance and photography. It was only towards the end of World War I that the technology to fit planes with guns and artillery was developed so it did not have much strategic effect on…