under certain conditions, atrium can be used as a stack to extract smoke when its adjacent floor catches fire. Atrium is a large shaft; it can lead smoke to flow out by flooding flow, which is helpful to prevent smoke from spreading to the adjacent building Whether flooding flow will occur in an atrium when its adjacent floor catches fire depends on the aspect ratio of an atrium under fire ( γf ). Where γf = A/H2 From the results of simulations, when γf ≤ 0.157 , and there is open vents between the fire floor and the atrium, the fire floor and outside, and the ceiling of the atrium is open, flooding flow will occur in the atrium after a period of time. Fig (2-11) shows the relation between the time when flooding flow occurred and γf of the atrium under different HRR of fire. The HRR of fire does not determine whether floding flow will occur or not, but affects the time when it becomes strong. Floding flow occurs at an earlier time with the increasing HRR of fire. There is aturning point in the relation curve between the time when flooding flow occurs and aspect ratio of atrium (γf ) which corresponds to the atrium aspect ratio where smoke plume touches all the walls at the top of the atrium exactly. Extracting smoke out by smoke management system in the fire floor is the direct way to control smoke. Using atrium to extract smoke out is an optional means especially in the case that there are buildings need strict fire protection on the opposite side of the vents…
Fig. 5 shows the monotonic and cyclic stress-strain responses of selected specimens having all influential parameters considered in this study, such as the volumetric ratio of transverse steel reinforcement, number of CFRP layers, and aspect ratio. In this figure, the axial stress was calculated by dividing the axial load to the column cross-sectional area, and the corresponding axial strain was derived from the average readings of the four LVDTs divided by the central gauge length of each…
the people are sexy and attractive. Another name brand that’s feeding right along into this fabulous lifestyle that can be all yours with the purchase of our product is Gucci. The advertisement for a Gucci perfume/cologne in Cosmopolitan I came across was without doubt the most bizarre one yet. It definitely succeeded in making me stop and look instead of just flipping past the page. It made me feel slightly uncomfortable but also intrigued at the same time. I was shocked and confused with what…
project I was able to look at myself through new eyes. Without the different logs that dealt with subjects such as exercise, healthy traits, and communication, I would not have noticed several aspects of my life which I never think about. Some examples would be the unhealthy habits that I’ve picked up and thinking about ways in which to exchange those habits for healthier ones and also finding coping strategies that are most effective for me when I am anxious or stressed about something in my…
It is fitting to begin a study on how modern English speakers describe aspect in Ancient Greek by exploring how the ancient Greeks described this concept themselves. In the Platonic dialogue The Sophist, the verb is defined as “the word indicating action,” or simply the action word. Aristotle defines the verb as “a sound compounded with meaning and indicative of time”. A verb, according to the Greeks, describes action, from which we can deduce further that it has a subject, and it indicates…
with its motives and facts, is recorded in a published document called Nat Turner's Confessions, written by a white lawyer upon interviewing Turner in prison after the insurrection. It is the most accurate and detailed document available on the revolt. Frederick Douglass, on the other hand, after gaining his freedom, published literary works that include his own narrative of his life and some short stories. One of his short stories is a fictional account of a slave revolt called The Heroic…
Identities of Tender Buttons and Life Breaks In Have you ever gotten so used to seeing the same everyday objects that you barely notice them anymore? Haven’t you been having terrible mood swings over that? Both Gertrude Stein and Mary Cappello in their books dissolve the tediousness of both everyday-use and everyday-felt elements and objects in a very exceptional way. Personally, I believe that Stein uses very common and simple adjectives in expressing certain objects, food, and rooms. She…
being less than desirable. The protagonist in the story, Okonkwo, is the champion of this thought. As what would happen to him seems to happen to the Ibo. When Okonkwo disagrees he is usually correct and the tribe would suffer the same fate and vice versa. In the novel the Chi is a powerful spirit that determines a man's lot in life. One such instance is when Okonkwo was disbanded from his home for a Feminine murder; Clearly his personal god or Chi was not made for great things. A man…
Modern Chinese grammatical system need to have a particular form that would allow actions or verbs to express various progresses of the state in each situation; therefore, it needs a particle to be added to the sentence to achieve this need. Chinese grammar is not similar to English grammar, in which English can add -ing onto the end of a verb to show the ongoing state of an action. Chinese has many particles such as le, zhe, guo that are being used in the sentences to add aspectual values to…
The simple present and the present progressive encode semantic meaning through a combination of devices. From general to specific, these semantic devices are: (a) nature of the specific verbal aspect, (b) inherent semantic properties of the verb, (c) aspectual classes of the verb, and (d) core meanings of the verb predicate. Below is the essence of each semantic device, presented in the order just mentioned. Nature of Verbal Aspect. Exploration of the nature of verbal aspect can be traced back…