Research Methods Midterm Exam Guadalupe M. Flores Fullerton College If Behavioral scientists start conducting applied research only, it will concentrate on finding a specific solution. The pro about this is that budget will be more available for scientists using applied research if they stop conducting basic research studies. Basic research studies are done based on curiosity in science but the results do not have immediate application in real world. With this in mind, getting rid of basic research studies will have an increase of budget just for applied research. It can lead to an increase of engagement and concentration on real life problems. As a result, there will be an increase of solutions that can be applied immediately.…
1. NURSING RESEARCH Nursing research is a research that provides evidence used to support nursing practices. It is a systematic study designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance in nursing as a profession. TYPES OF NURSING RESEARCH 1. Applied research: this is scientific research and study that seek to solve practical problems. It is used in solving everyday problems, to develop innovative technologies and to cure illness and not to acquire knowledge for knowledge sake. Example…
Leadership What is leadership? Katie Christy, founder, Active Your Talent writes that “Leadership is the ability to not only understand and utilize your innate talents, but to also effectively leverage the natural strengths of your own team to accomplish the mission. There are no one-size fits all approach, answer key or formula to leadership. Leadership should be humble, authentic expression of your unique personality in pursuit of bettering whatever environment you are in.” Changes are…
In my view, Venezky aligned with the value of historical knowledge, especially in teaching and learning. This explains his interest in highlighting the history of reading research. His work “The History of Reading Research” gave a comprehensive account of transition period in reading literacy. It traces contemporary issues in reading research from 1870s to 1970s. The…
References Duke, N., Purcell-Gates, V., Hall, L., & Tower, C. (2006). Authentic Literacy Activities for Developing Comprehension and Writing. The Reading Teacher, 344-355. doi:10.1598/rt.60.4.4 The article discusses authentic literacy activities in the classroom replicate and reflect literacy activities that occur in people 's lives outside of school and instructional contexts. A growing body of research supports use of such activities in teaching and learning. The authors elaborate on the…
Yihao Hu Personal History Statement University of California - Santa Cruz, Jack Baskin School of Engineering Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics Degree Objective: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics Mathematics and violin are the only two things could make me feel peaceful. I don’t want to say how much I love mathematics or how hard I have worked in order for the university to offer me the admission. It is a little hectic to exaggerate a discipline you aim to research. How about just…
(1981). Some Methodology and Strategy Problems in Longitudinal Research. Longitudinal Research, 4(6), 192-215. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-8147-8_13 Mohamad, S. (2010). Ethical Corporate Culture and Guidelines for Ethical Leadership. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 1(2), 151-154. doi:10.7763/ijtef.2010.v1.27 Riivari, E., & Lämsä, A. (2013). Does it pay to be ethical? Examining the relationship between organizations’ ethical culture and innovativeness. Journal of Business…
Ever since that particular murder case I have been researching into more and more famous serial killers around the world. Choosing this course that I have applied for will help me in developing into the next step of understanding what goes on inside the criminal’s minds and possibly how the forensic teams work when a murder has been taken place. From all this; I became fascinated in crime particularly from that of a psychological viewpoint. I am intrigued by human behaviour and how this applies…
Most collaborate with other health professionals or act as consultants in clinics and hospitals. Clinical psychologists are frequently involved in educational activities, teaching in colleges or universities, and many are also engaged in research despite its familiarity, this field had its origin 1896 not much more than a a century ago (barlow & Nathan 25) becoming a clinical psychologist is no easy feat few people are aware of the long and intensive training process that is involved in becoming…