During this lab, Sfr13 mutant and wild type Tetrahymena’s number of India Ink vacuoles and sizes were observed over multiple trials, and then the averages were compared to see if there was any difference between the mutant and WT. Furthermore, the two strains of Tetrahymena were stained with mCherry fluorescence, so that the oral grooves could be examined and compared under fluorescence microscopy. This experiment was designed to eliminate as much bias as possible by replicating the experiment over 4 trials, one by each member of the team working on this project. Since this Sfr13 mutant strain has not been studied in depth, we chose the sample size this large to have replicated results that could be averaged for a more accurate representation of the population of Tetrahymena. Furthermore, the size was recorded to determine if that also correlated with the data being collected, which would eliminate the possibility that the correlation observed was due to size and not malformation of the oral groove. It was concluded that there is a correlation between the oral groove formation and feeding rate; however, other factors, such as size, would prevent the conclusion that the malformed oral grooved caused the Tetrahymena to feed slower. These two strains were chosen because the WT was able to serve as a negative control and positive control through experimental design. For the negative control, the WT Tetrahymena were incubated for 10 minutes without India Ink, and for the…
The impact on the organization by overhauling our corporate training with a MOOC will be of minimal to medium disruption. Compared to other systems, corporate training systems are unique in that they are not essential to daily operations yet are extremely useful. This is especially so for Aman Resorts because the already used training system will not be removed or taken offline until all useful features are transferred to the MOOC format. For Aman Resorts, disruption to usual business operations…
On Monday, July 10th, I worked from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. On this day, I watched a four-hour deposition. A deposition is when a witness gives testimony under oath. This particular deposition was for a case in which a motorcyclist was hit by a car. The motorcyclist is the plaintiff in the case (which is the person being represented by the firm) and sustained serious injuries after the accident. The person who was being deposed witnessed the accident. The deposition started at 10:00 a.m. and…
The main character in the short story, “Approximations,” written by Mona Simpson, is Melinda. “In my family, there were always two people...He closed a big hand on her ear”(Simpson, 114). This quote perfectly describes how this powerful and strong character is trying to have a perfect family. “Suddenly, I wanted dates and plans and the name of a month, not to see Disneyland but to see him”(Simpson, 119). Since the father, John ruins her plans of having a perfect family, she tries to create a…
commenting on his academic pursuits and the tasks ahead of him. Towards the end of his years at Harvard, Oppenheimer applied to be an assistant to Ernest Rutherford, one of the greatest scientists of all-time – he was denied. After being denied by Rutherford, Oppenheimer applied to work for Joseph John Thomson at the same lab. Thomson asked miniscule tasks of Oppenheimer and he later would describe the work he did there as "a terrible bore" and "so bad at it that it is impossible to feel that I…
λ = 3.5 w/m k R_p = 0.09 K/ (w/m) For compare of the thermal resistance R_1and R_a for the line source approximation and the first order of the multiple approximation with the exact value of the multiple method. This fig was taken from outer boundary data record (Geothermal HAVC book) According to this diagram the line source approximation and for R_1 are depend on r_c. The exact value of R_1 become constant r_c> 0.15m, the value of line sources approximation…
term is U_3 because it is much stronger than U_4 or U_5. Therefore, the significant effects is from U_3 which added as a perturbation to the harmonic solution and the terms higher than U_3can be neglected. The relation between frequency ω and wave vector q or between energy (ħω) and momentum (ħq) is called the dispersion relation. The main purpose of lattice dynamics is to solve the dispersion relation. The formula of this relation is described by the following equation. ω=ω(q) (…
between 2 and 3. Since newton’s method is an approximation to the value of the solution, and we know the value is between 2 and 3, we can use the linear approximation at X0 = 2. We know that f(x) = X2 -5, so that f ’(x) = 2x. We can compute the linear approximation (the function’s x intercept) f(x)==l(x)= f(X0)+ f ’(X0)(x - X0). Using the linear approximation of X0 = 2 then, f(x) == l(x) = -1+4(x-2) = 4x-9. We get a value of x=9/4 or 2.25. If we input the square root of 5 into a calculator…
Math is about numbers; these numbers span from positive to negative, rational to irrational and complex to imaginary. The main number that this essay will be looking at is the irrational number known as pi. Many different civilizations throughout history have had their own approximations for pi. In fact one of the first aspects in defining the number known as pi was coming up with a variable that could represent this number. Π was decided to be the variable that stuck and its origins can be…
To facilitate an accurate description of the localized d and f electrons in the solids, the self interaction correction is introduced. Within the LSDA, the spurious self-interaction tends to underestimate their localization. In SIC-LDA formalism, the localized electrons see a potential (SIC potential) different from that of the delocalized ones for which the self-interaction vanishes and whose potential therefore reduces to that of the LSDA. It is known that self-interaction is important only…